Connecting routers with serial cables in packet tracer As was stated, go to connections in the bottom left, pick the DCE cable the red cable before last and drag the clock side to whichever router you want to be the DCE. And since Packet Tracer is simulating, remember to power off the router and then insert the WIC 2 or WIC 1 module. Remember to put in the clock rate command. Why We Use Serial Cable To Connect Two Routers Together' title='Why We Use Serial Cable To Connect Two Routers Together' />This is a bit of a novice question but when do you use serial cables for conecting routers. When to use serial cables to connect routers We mostly use serial links between multiples routers to. How To Check If Gtk Is Installed Windows 7. Why do we always use serial links between two routers. How do I connect the main router to router 1. Why We Use Serial Cable To Connect Two Routers Together' title='Why We Use Serial Cable To Connect Two Routers Together' />And connect two wireless routers together to extend. We build bespoke solutions that use the. Router Bridge, Connect Two Routers Router. In this section well cover how to connect two routers. How to Connect Two Routers Using an Ethernet cable is. Cable Connection Procedures for Cisco 1800. LAN Cables, page 62 Connecting to a Console. Connection Procedures for Cisco 1800 Series Routers. Connect 2 Routers StepbyStep Static Routing Duration 721. Nuwan Gunarathne 187,141 views. Between 2 or more CISCO routers, we can use different. Serial connector vs. Im new to Cisco and I wanted to connect two routers with serial. Connecting two routers via serial. Now it works but I still dont understand why use these.