Windows Server 2. R2 Essentials Anywhere Access. Anywhere Access is the mother of all VPN configurations. After completing a rather simple installation, you have a choice of browser based access to shared folders, a remote desktop session if you have administrator privileges, or you can link in using a traditional SSTP VPN connection. While rather simple installation may sound pompous to someone unfamiliar with server VPN configuration, comparatively speaking, it really is easy. No client PC needs to be in a domain to use Anywhere Access. Application/notes/VLANNO10_3.png' alt='Install A Dns Server On Qnap Nas' title='Install A Dns Server On Qnap Nas' />Implicit is the assumption you are building a private network and will not be offering SSL access to your web server to the world. Before beginning your Anywhere Access installation, you need to get a few things out of the way. Install A Dns Server On Qnap Nas' title='Install A Dns Server On Qnap Nas' />User profiles must be configured to allow use of Anywhere Access. For best results, use the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard to access the user profiles. This feature is optimized for some aspects of Windows Server 2. Essentials, especially concerning Anywhere Access. For most day to day uses, the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard is too simplistic for basic administration, but it is the go to place for a few things. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Crossplatform. Allonis myServer, a multifaceted media playerorganizer with a DLNAUPnP server, controller, and renderer, including conversion. The latest PC gaming hardware news, plus expert, trustworthy and unbiased buying guides. We tested five new NAS devices, and the Synology DS218 is the best for most home users because of its great performance, versatile software, and good price. Highspeed scalable storage server Featuring a powerful quadcore CPU, Synology DiskStation is perfect for home users or small businesses looking for a compact and. Synology DiskStation 216play review With a play suffix, this new DiskStation is squarely aimed at those wanting a NAS for entertainment. Heres our DS216play review. Getting Started With FreeNAS 11 Install, Configure, Setup Users, Setup Shares How Snapshots Work. Pennsylvania. Last week, Microsoft announced the final release of Windows Server 2016 the bits can be downloaded here. In addition, Microsoft has announced that Windows Server. As always, you need to ensure DDNS is on and ports 8. Windows server. You need to export the Active Directory Certificate Services AD CS root certificate from your server to all PCs not in the domain and browsers that will connect using Anywhere Access. You will use AD CS and not Open. SSL with Anywhere Access. Open. SSL will not work for Anywhere Access and would be rather silly to use even if it did work. AD CS is foundational with respect to Windows Server 2. Its installed by default along with many other roles in Windows Server 2. Essentials. The other versions of Windows Server 2. You decide what it needs. In that case, you could use Open. SSL to configure an SSTP based VPN or bind an SSL certificate to IIS without installing the AD CS role, if you wanted to. These are the rest of the steps Use Internet Information Services IIS to create a domain certificate. Export the domain certificate to a file on the desktop. Later, you will import it into the Anywhere Access setup wizard. Run the Anywhere Access wizard. Go connect from a client PC using a browser and HTTPS your domain. Youre done with that part. If you plan to use the VPN, you need to add a line to the registry of each client PC. Run the connect to a workplace wizard for each client PC that will connect using the VPNCreate the Domain Certificate Using IISStart the Internet Information Services Manager and select Server Certificates. Click Create Domain Certificate. Fill out the form. Make sure the URL you will use goes into the top line. Select the root certificate to use. It will probably be the only file available. Type in the friendly name. This is the name you will use to recognize the domain certificate later. Select the certificate you just created and click Export. Save your file to the Desktop, type in a password you can remember and click OK. Done. You dont even have to worry about binding the certificate to port 4. The Anywhere Access wizard does it all. Run the Anywhere Access Wizard. Click to Configure Anywhere Access. You will see the following screens in more or less the following order. The screens differ a little between R1 and R2. The wizard allows you to set up or reconfigure or repair Anywhere Access easily. The screens you see will depend on your objective. You can install the VPN andor the browser access. If you change your mind, just rerun the wizard. R1 includes a Media Extensions check box. The Branch. Cache option on R2 can only be used by clients running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise or the equivalent Windows 8 client. Branch. Cache provides distributed document synchronization that keeps all the edits among all users organized. Most advanced home servers probably wont need this feature. Since youre using DDNS and your own URL, type it below. If you were Google, you would type google. Set up your domain manually. If your URL is aaa. If your URL is aaa. You want to use an existing SSL certificate. Check the box and keep going. Import the certificate you saved to the Desktop earlier. Click Next. The wizard will go to work and configure everything. Done. Go use Anywhere Access from a Client Browser. If youve installed the AD CS root certificate on the local PC in the trusted root certificate store of the local machine or the certificate store in your Firefox browser, then type HTTPS your url. You will see a screen similar to this. If you enter a user id with administrative privileges, you will get access to both files and the remote desktop. A standard user will have access only to files. Done. Configuring The PC for VPN Use. The only tricky part here is to add a value named No. Cert. Revocation. Check to the Windows registry. The spelling and capitalization have to be identical. Otherwise, the VPN will not connect. This change would also be required if you added an SSTP VPN the old fashioned way by duplicating the AD CS IPSec template and installing the Routing and Remote Access role on Windows Server 2. The Anywhere Access wizard saved you from all that work. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetservicesSstp. SvcParametersOpen the Network and Sharing Center and click Set up A New Connection or Network. Then Connect to a Workplace. Click Use my Internet Connection VPNFill in the blanks. Dont connect to the internet just yet. Type in the designated user and password. Next, you need to change a tab on the properties of the connection you just created. Find the VPN connection by left clicking on the network icon in the lower right corner of the Desktop. Right click on the new VPN connection and select Properties. Change it to look like this. Then Connect. If you return to the Network and Sharing Center and find the connection while it is open, the status should look like this. It confirms you are on a secure VPN. Done. Windows Server 2. Last week, Microsoft announced the final release of Windows Server 2. In addition, Microsoft has announced that Windows Server 2. I can now publish the setup of my lab configuration which is almost a production platform. Only SSD are not enterprise grade and one Xeon is missing per server. But to show you how it is easy to implement a hyperconverged solution it is fine. In this topic, I will show you how to deploy a 2 node hyperconverged cluster from the beginning with Windows Server 2. But before running some Power. Shell cmdlet, lets take a look on the design. Design overview. In this part Ill talk about the implemented hardware and how are connected both nodes. Then Ill introduce the network design and the required software implementation. Hardware consideration. First of all, it is necessary to present you the design. I have bought two nodes that I have built myself. Both nodes are not provided by a manufacturer. Below you can find the hardware that I have implemented in each node CPU Xeon 2. Motherboard Asus Z9. PA U8 with ASMB6 i. KVM for KVM over Internet Baseboard Management ControllerPSU Fortron 3. W FSP FSP3. 50 6. GHCCase Dexlan 4. U IPC E4. 50. RAM 1. GB DDR3 registered ECCStorage devices 1x Intel SSD 5. GB for the Operating System. Samsung NVMe SSD 9. Pro 2. 56. GB Storage Spaces Direct cache4x Samsung SATA SSD 8. EVO 5. 00. GB Storage Spaces Direct capacityNetwork Adapters 1x Intel 8. L 1. GB for VM workloads two controllers. Integrated to motherboard. Mellanox Connectx. Pro 1. 0GB for storage and live migration workloads two controllers. Mellanox are connected with two passive copper cables with SFP provided by Mellanox. Switch Ubiquiti ES 2. Lite 1. GBIf I were in production, Id replace SSD by enterprise grade SSD and Id add a NVMe SSD for the caching. To finish Id buy server with two Xeon. Below you can find the hardware implementation. Network design. To support this configuration, I have created five network subnets Management network 1. VID 1. 0 Native VLAN. This network is used for Active Directory, management through RDS or Power. Shell and so on. Fabric VMs will be also connected to this subnet. DMZ network 1. 0. VID 1. 1. This network is used by DMZ VMs as web servers, AD FS etc. Cluster network 1. VID 1. 00. This is the cluster heart beating network. Storage. 01 network 1. VID 1. 01. This is the first storage network. It is used for SMB 3. Live Migration. Storage. VID 1. 02. This is the second storage network. It is used for SMB 3. Live Migration. I cant leverage Simplified SMB Multi. Channel because I dont have a 1. GB switch. So each 1. GB controller must belong to separate subnets. I will deploy a Switch Embedded Teaming for 1. GB network adapters. I will not implement a Switch Embedded Teaming for 1. GB because a switch is missing. Logical design. I will have two nodes called pyhyv. Physical Hyper V. The first challenge concerns the failover cluster. Because I have no other physical server, the domain controllers will be virtual. I implement domain controllers VM in the cluster, how can start the cluster So the DC VMs must not be in the cluster and must be stored locally. To support high availability, both nodes will host a domain controller locally in the system volume C. In this way, the node boot, the DC VM start and then the failover cluster can start. Both nodes are deployed in core mode because I really dont like graphical user interface for hypervisors. I dont deploy the Nano Server because I dont like the Current Branch for Business model for Hyper V and storage usage. The following feature will be deployed for both nodes Hyper V Power. Shell management tools. Failover Cluster Power. Shell management tools. Storage Replica this is optional, only if you need the storage replica featureThe storage configuration will be easy Ill create a unique Storage Pool with all SATA and NVMe SSD. Then I will create two Cluster Shared Volumes that will be distributed across both nodes. The CSV will be called CSV 0. CSV 0. 2. Operating system configuration. I show how to configure a single node. You have to repeat these operations for the second node in the same way. This is why I recommend you to make a script with the commands the script will help to avoid human errors. Bios configuration. The bios may change regarding the manufacturer and the motherboard. But I always do the same things in each server Check if the server boot in UEFIEnable virtualization technologies as VT d, VT x, SLAT and so on. Configure the server in high performance in order that CPUs have the maximum frequency availableEnable Hyper. Threading. Disable all unwanted hardware audio card, serialcom port and so onDisable PXE boot on unwanted network adapters to speed up the boot of the server. Set the datetime. Next I check if the memory is seen, and all storage devices are plugged. When I have time, I run a memtest on server to validate hardware. OS first settings. I have deployed my nodes from a USB stick configured with Easy. Boot. Once the system is installed, I have deployed drivers for motherboard and for Mellanox network adapters. Because I cant connect with a remote MMC to Device Manager, I use the following commands to list if drivers are installed. Win. 32System. Driver select name,nversion egi. Version. Info. File. Version. gwmi Win. Pn. PSigned. Driver select devicename,driverversion. After all drivers are installed, I configure the server name, the updates, the remote connection and so on. For this, I use sconfig. Dell Sas 6 Ir Adapter Manual Transfer. This tool is easy, but dont provide automation. You can do the same thing with Power. Shell cmdlet, but I have only two nodes to deploy and I find this easier. All you have to do, is to move in menu and set parameters. Here I have changed the computer name, I have enabled the remote desktop and I have downloaded and installed all updates. I heavily recommend you to install all updates before deploying the Storage Spaces Direct. Then I configure the power options to performance by using the bellow cmdlet. POWERCFG. EXE S SCHEMEMIN. Once the configuration is finished, you can install the required roles and features. You can run the following cmdlet on both nodes. Install Windows. Feature Hyper V, Data Center Bridging, Failover Clustering, RSAT Clustering Powershell, Hyper V Power. Shell, Storage Replica. Once you have run this cmdlet the following roles and features are deployed Hyper V Power. Shell module. Datacenter Bridging. Failover Clustering Power. Shell module. Storage Replica. Network settings. Once the OS configuration is finished, you can configure the network. First, I rename network adapters as below. Name notlike v. Ethernet Interface. Description like Mellanox2 Rename Net. Adapter New. Name Storage 1. Name notlike v. Ethernet Interface. Description like Mellanoxdapter Rename Net. Adapter New. Name Storage 1. Name notlike v. Ethernet Interface. Description like Intel2 Rename Net. Adapter New. Name Management. Name notlike v. Ethernet Interface. Description like Intelonnection Rename Net. Adapter New. Name Management. Next I create the Switch Embedded Teaming with both 1. GB network adapters called SW 1. G. New VMSwitch Name SW 1. G Net. Adapter. Name Management. Management. Enable. Embedded. Teaming True Allow. Management. OS False. Now we can create two virtual network adapters for the management and the heartbeat. Add VMNetwork. Adapter Switch.