Work on C asp. I have a requirment, I have to fill text box with some data on gridview, which is coming from database and make it readonly After that. Free ASP Treeview Incredibly fast. Unlimited nodes. Very easy to use. Lots of features and examples. Crossbrowser. HowTo and Help. This post is first part of a series called Getting Started with Datatable 1. DataTable demo Server side in Php,Mysql and Ajax jQuery Datatable with Custom Json. In todays article I explain how to create an editable WebGrid in MVC4 to implement CRUD operations. Asp Net Mvc Editable Table Name' title='Asp Net Mvc Editable Table Name' />Create An Editable Web. Grid In MVC4 To Implement CRUD Operations. Introduction. In one of my previous articles I explained How you can show your Data in Grid format using the Web. Grid in MVC4. In todays article I explain how to create an editable Web. Grid in MVC4 to implement CRUD operations. I will show you inline operations through which you will be able to Edit, Delete and Update the data in the Grid itself. Use the following procedure to create a sample of such an interesting application. ASP. Net RDLC Local SSRS Report Viewer Hide Disable specific export option Word Excel PDF from Export button Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to. When only the best will do Whats New in 2013 Your skills, our tools. Building great apps together. All our Visual Studio products in one integrated. A quickstart guide for Telerik UI for ASP. NET MVC. Step 1. First of all I added a Model class in the Model folder. This can be done by right clicking the Model folder and then selecting to Add a new class. I named it User. Model. Step 2. Then I added the variables in this class and assigned some static values to these variables. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Web namespace Editable. Webgrid. Models public class User. Model public int ID get set public string Name get set public string Sur. Name get set public static Listlt User. Model get. Users Listlt User. Model users new Listlt User. Model new User. Model ID1, NameAnubhav, Sur. NameChaudhary , new User. Model ID2, NameMohit, Sur. NameSingh , new User. Model ID3, NameSonu, Sur. NameGarg , new User. Model ID4, NameShalini, Sur. NameGoel , new User. Model ID5, NameJames, Sur. NameBond , return users Three variables are used named ID, Name and Sur. Name, then a list is created that is applied to the User. Model class. Step 3. Now I will add a View Class to a folder named Home. Until now I had just created the class, I will work on it later. Before that we will work on the Controller of this application. For working on the Controller you again need to add a Controller class in the Controller Folder, I had named this class User. Controller. using System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Web using System. Web. Mvc using Editable. Webgrid. Models namespace Editable. Webgrid. Controllers public class User. Controller Controller public Action. Result Index Listlt User. Model users User. Model. get. Users return Viewusers In this class I created an Action. Result that should be named the same as your View file, thats why this Action. Result is named Index because my View File was named Index. Through this action the result value present in the user Model is passed to the Index Class. Step 4. Now we can work on the Index file, here first of all a Web. Grid is created var grid new Web. GridModel lt div idgrid. Content style padding 2. Get. Html table. Style webgrid table, header. Style webgrid header, footer. Style webgrid footer, alternating. Row. Style webgrid alternating row, selected. Row. Style webgrid selected row, row. Style webgrid row style, mode Web. Grid. Pager. Modes. All, columns grid. Columns grid. ColumnID, format lt text lt span classdisplay mode item. ID lt span lt label idUser. ID classedit mode item. IDlt label lt text , style col. Width , grid. ColumnName, Name, format lt text lt span classdisplay mode lt label idlbl. Name item. Namelt label lt span lt input typetext idName valueitem. Name classedit mode lt text , style col. Width, grid. ColumnSur. Name, Sur Name, format lt text lt span classdisplay mode lt label idlbl. Sur. Name item. Sur. Namelt label lt span lt input typetext idSur. Name valueitem. Sur. Name classedit mode lt text , style col. Width, grid. ColumnAction, format lt text lt button classedit user display mode Editlt button lt button classsave user edit mode Savelt button lt button classcancel user edit mode Cancellt button lt text , style col. Width , can. Sort false First some CSS is applied to the Web. Grid that you can find in the Downloadable Zip File present in the starting of this article. Then I had created the columns, in the columns you can see that I had done some typical coding. Thats because I will hide the Span whenever the user clicks on the Edit button and will display the Text. Box so that he can enter a new Value then the update will be done that will replace the existing text with the new text. You can simply write in this format grid. Name,Name, this will show you the data available in the Name but cant be edited since this will be in Label or Span format and not in the Text. Box. After creating the columns I had created some buttons that will be used to Edit, Save and Cancel the Record. On these buttons j. Query is applied that will allow them to work as expected, its script is as follows lt script typetextjavascript function . Name tr. findName. Sur. Name tr. findSur. Name. val var User. ID tr. findUser. ID. html tr. Name. textName tr. Sur. Name. textSur. Name tr. User. Model ID User. ID, Name Name, Sur. Name Sur. Name . UserChange. User, data JSON. User. Model, type POST, content. Type applicationjson charsetutf 8, success function data alertdata lt script Here as you can see that through Edit User the Label is changed to the Text. Box and Cancel will again change the Text. Box to Label. Then an Ajax call is applied that is calling the Controller class and the Action created in that class, now you will be thinking that I had only created an Action Class named as Index Actually I had also created one more Action just below the Index Action result, so the complete code is as follows sing System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Web using System. Web. Mvc using Editable. Webgrid. Models namespace Editable. Webgrid. Controllers public class User. Controller Controller public Action. Result Index Listlt User. Model users User. Model. get. Users return Viewusers public Json. Result Change. UserUser. Model model string message Success return Jsonmessage, Json. Request. Behavior. Allow. Get In this Change. User you need to create an object of the Model class in which changes are to be done. Model Binding to List of Objects in ASP. NET MVCShowing a single record for editing is quite common and the default model. ASP. NET MVC takes care of mapping the form fields to the model. However, sometimes you need to edit multiple records. For example. you may want to display an editable grid to the end user filled with existing. The user can edit the values from multiple rows and hit Save in an attempt. In this case multiple model objects are being submitted to the. The single record editing works on the assumption that form field. However, when. multiple model objects are submitted this assumption is no longer valid. Luckily, by tweaking the form field names you can get this to work as expected. Lets see how. Begin by creating a new ASP. NET MVC Application. Then right click on the. Models folder and add an ADO. NET entity framework data model to it. Configure. the model to use Customers table of the Northwind database. The following figure. Then add Home. Controller in the Controllers folder. Modify the default Index. Action. Result Index. Northwind. Entities dbnew Northwind. Entities. var query from c in db. Customers. where c. CountryUK. orderby c. Customer. ID. select c. Viewquery. To. List. The Index action method simply selects all the customers from UK and passes. Index view as a List of Customer entities. Then right click on the Index action method and add Index view. The Index. view is where you need to follow certain naming convention to get the desired. Listlt Model. Binding. To. List. Demo. Models. Customer. lt h. List of Customerslt h. Html. Begin. FormIndex, Home, Form. Method. Post. lt table border1 cellpadding6. Model. Count i. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i. Customer. ID. Modeli. Customer. ID. new readonly readonly lt td. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i. Company. Name. Modeli. Company. Namelt td. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i. Contact. Name. Modeli. Contact. Namelt td. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i. Country. Modeli. Countrylt td. Submit. lt td. Notice the markup shown in the bold letters. The code is basically generating. ModelPropertyName Where n is an index starting from 0 and ModelPropertyName is the name of. Customer. ID, Company. Name, Contact. Name and Country. For the. sake of simplicity the above code uses only four properties form the Customer. So, all the textboxes having same index are considered as one. This naming convention is required to successfully bind data to the. The following figures shows how the view looks like in the browser To see how the textbox names are being generated view the HTML source in the. The above lt form submits the data to Index method using post method. To. handle this data write the second version of Index action method as follows Http. Post. public Action. Result IndexListlt Customer customers. Northwind. Entities dbnew Northwind. Entities. foreach Customer cust in customers. Customer existing db. Customers. Findcust. Customer. ID. existing. Company. Name cust. Company. Name. existing. Contact. Name cust. Contact. Name. existing. Country cust. Country. Save. Changes. return View. The overloaded Index method takes a parameter List of Customer entities. Recollect that this parameter name customers is what you used in the view. Due the naming conventions followed the model binding framework. ASP. NET MVC transforms the form field values into a generic List of Customer. Once received you simply iterate through the List and modify the. Customer with the new one. You can also put some logic to detect. Once all the rows are modified. Save. Changes is called to save the changes. As mentioned earlier the naming convention requires that the index start at 0. If you try changing the start. What if you dont. For example, imagine a case where you are. In such cases the there might be. To overcome this situation you can. Html. Begin. FormIndex, Home, Form. Method. Post. lt table border1 cellpadding6. Model. Count i. Html. Hiddencustomers. Index, i 1. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i 1. Customer. ID. Modeli. Customer. ID, new readonly readonly. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i 1. Company. Name. Modeli. Company. Namelt td. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i 1. Contact. Name. Modeli. Contact. Namelt td. Html. Text. Boxcustomers i 1. Ethical Hacking Rules Of Engagement Cbs there. Country. Modeli. Countrylt td. Notice the above markup carefully. Each table row now has a hidden form. The name of the hidden form field is customers. Index and its value is set. Then all the textboxes are. In this case all the textboxes having same index as specified by the hidden. In this case the index need not be a. It can be a string also. Again, recollect that customers in the above. Index method. Thats it Run the application and test if it works as expected. Asp Net Mvc Editable Table Name© 2017