With much sadness, but keeping all our fond memories, we must announce that Pixelmon is ending its development, MrMasochism, creator of the mod, wrote in a blog. The HDAdvance is currently not in stock or available. But you can still put your games on your PS2 Hard Drive with our HD Loader discs for the Playstation 2. PS2 Free Mc. Boot FMCB Memory Card For Playstation 2. Works really well and good bunch of software on the card. Posted by Beckett on 8th Oct 2. Bought this last month and havent had a chance to write a review of the mcboot card. I bought this because I have a PHAT PS2, with the network adapter and I have wanted to put my games on the hard drive to load and play them faster. The key is to either get an IDE hard drive which you can find on Amazon for around 5. SATA drives which I hear is something a lot of people are doing. I bought this to be able to use the HD Loader so I didnt have to worry about always having to boot a disc the first time I power up. However, I edned up using the Open PS2 loader that is on there because I found that it has better compatibility for newer games. I guess the HD loader hasnt been updated in a while on the discs but the Open PS2 loader is still getting updates for compatibility and so a lot of the later games work flawlessly with it. Its also great for emulation. You can easily install any number of emulators on the memory card and load them from there. W79O.jpg' alt='Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' title='Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' />Video Review of how the PS3 HDD with preloaded Games works PS3break USB Jailbreak PS3 Mod Chip External HDD fully loaded with Games bundled and for SALE Early versions of the PlayStation 2 have a buffer overflow bug in the part of the BIOS that handles PS1 game compatibility hackers found a way to turn this into a. Google is compensated by these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates. Guides and howtos related to digital video and software associated to it. Nick Douglas. Staff Writer, Lifehacker Nick has been writing online for 11 years at sites like Urlesque, Gawker, the Daily Dot, and Slacktory. I would suggest putting the games either on your HDD if you install one, or on a CD or DVD that you can plug in as you wont have much room if any for any 1. Overall, a great little card that makes playing off my HDD easy and adds a bunch of other features that are great to have. EXCELLENT Posted by Leon on 3. May 2. 01. 5. This plug and play memory card just single handedly replaced my HD loader, my Breaker Pro and my Swap Magic discs. This thing works great and it is totally plug and play And it comes with some great pre loaded PS2 apps. W1_BWcFyY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' title='Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' />The PS2 Free McBoot Plug And Play Mod Chip For Playstation 2 No soldering or wires required Fast World Wide ShippingI recommend the USB Advance instead of the HDLoader as it has good compatibility. The FMCB Modchip memory card is all I need for my import and backupsHawaii Bios Editing 2. X 2. 95. X2 3. X Under Construction Last update 2. Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' title='Playstation 1 Mod Chip Installation' />Updated 2. Heading Adding VDDC Offset to ROM done. Updated 0. 40. 71. Heading How to edit Power. Limit information updated. Updated on 0. 40. Heading Editing Subsystem device Vendor ID info shared by Mihastar added to UEFI section. GOPupd tool link added in UEFI section. Updated on 3. 10. Heading Atom. Bios. Reader for Windows by kizwan added with info. Note Any modified ROM even with a UEFIGOP module within it is technically Non UEFI. There is a bios signature within legacy ROM section which is a hash of the hashes of protected tables within ROM. As the mods we do are within the protected tables and we cant update the signature in legacy ROM to reflect the changes it will fail UEFI checks, thus you need CSM support enabled on motherboard bios to use a modded ROM. The more data, the better, right When it comes to genetics, it turns out that might not be the case. TheINQUIRER publishes daily news, reviews on the latest gadgets and devices, and INQdepth articles for tech buffs and hobbyists. I had been searching for information how some bios editing can be done. Reading and participating in a thread about the leaked 3. X bios on Guru. 3D I came across a post by s. TOr. M4. 1 showing how GPURAM clocks editing is done later we discovered more bios edits. Google translated thread worked for me I used all the programs linked in s. TOr. M4. 1s German thread and successfully edited my Vapor X 2. X STD edition bios to what I wanted. Flashing was done using method and files in the OCN 2. X Unlock thread, view under heading R9 2. Unlock guide in post 1 and use steps 1 7 skipping step 3. Before clicking spoilers below, read and follow below rules. Make backup of original bios on video card, for each switch position. Edit copies of your original bios, so you always have original unedited bios to use if things go bad. Do not flash both bios positions as then at least youll have option to boot from other if something goes wrong. When you have modified a bios make a copy of it and once checksum is fixed on one of them using Hawai. Reader or HD7xxx Series UEFI Patch Tool BETA. Compare the 2 copies using compare function in Hex editor to know only the checksum changed before flashing. Warning Using this guide to edit your bios will void your warranty if card has one. This guide is provided assuming a user knows implications of what they are doing. I accept no responsibility for damage from using this information. All efforts are being made to double check information but there maybe errors. Further Credits Netkas for setting the ball rolling that signature check not being done, One. B1t helping me with Atom. Dis, DDSZ for speeding up marking of code, asder. Lard for showing how to do memory timings mod and The Stilt for creating his set of mining roms with varying voltage and MLU Roms. What Ive achieved as a performance boost via bios mods. Warning SpoilerClick to showBelow is a link comparing My stock factory ROM set to ref 2. X clocks 1. 00. 01. My stock factory ROM set to factory clocks 1. My stock factory ROM set to 1. My stock factory ROM set to 1. Stilts timings in appropriate strap to boost RAMMy stock factory ROM set to 1. Mhz RAM timings in appropriate strap to boost RAM performance. Link http www. What Ive achieved manually setting VID per DPM state vs EVVWarning SpoilerClick to showThings to explain i VID is what voltage GPU being set to, VDDC is what its getting. Even when VID is manually set differing appsloads mean a different reported VDDC in monitoring apps, this can not be avoided due to how Power. Tune tech works. If you dont set DPM7 voltage manually and adjust GPU clock in ROM, VID under EVV setting will decrease as GPU clock rise. So if your applying a global GPU voltage offset in ROM it will end up higher than what you may use when apply offset in OC app with stock ROM. Next the thing to note about my particular compare is, my ROM does not have a global GPU voltage offset but the voltage chip on PCB does IR3. B. On right is stock rom 1, then stock rom with OC clocks 2 but only DPM7 manually set, next is 1. DPM. Now 1 vs 2, DPM 2 6 ends up lower under EVV, so potential for card to perhaps artifact when say hitting those GPU DPM frequencies range. The lowering is occurring due to increased GPU frequency across the whole DPM range. Comparing 2 vs 3 we can see DPM 5 6 need higher VID than what EVV was setting for no artifact at those GPU DPM frequencies range in testing. DPM 4 2 ended up lower and DPM 3 no change, I set DPM 1 lower and so far no adverse effect. Comparing 3 vs 4 we see rise across the board but GPU DPM frequencies have increased as well as RAM. My main purpose of this test was to log VDDC in stock rom 1 and see when OCing setting higher GPU freq. DPM was I adding more voltage. If we compare 1 vs 3, DPM 7 is equal, DPM6 rose but higher GPU Freq., DPM5 is pretty much same but higher GPU Freq., DPM 4, 3, 2, 0 all end up lower plus 1 is lower even if not testable in rom 3. How I see it is stock rom 1 vs 1. Ive ended up with higher clocks across the DPMs for pretty much samelower voltage as stock rom under EVV. Even 1 vs 4 seems better as each DPM is higher than stock for really not much voltage variance. My HML log files. HMLGPU Z. zip 3. Note When doing test above I was using GPU Z Render Test as graphical load to log drooped VDDC from VID, this gives a more linear monitored VDDC value compared with other apps. Download Game Ultimate Spiderman Ds Action. I used MSI AB for monitoring as like the HML log file plus set DPM frequency to be tested using it. My card is sensitive to 3d. Mark FS graphics test 1 so artifact testing was done with that looped plus a run of Heaven and then Valley. What is ASIC Quality Warning SpoilerClick to showASIC Quality is Leakage. ID of GPU. Click to showQuote The Lkg value is the fused Leakage. ID of the GPU. Convert it to decimal and divide by 1. GPU Z ASIC quality. Higher Leakage. ID or ASIC quality means higher leakage, which is bad unless youre running on custom water cooling or LN2. Quote from link. More info on Leakage. ID. Click to showQuote If you use over 1. V for the GPU which certainly isnt recommended, do yourself a favor and DO NOT run Furmark. The VRM can provide around 3. A of current without burning, and a GPU running at 1. V might just exceed it in Furmark depending on leakage. The higher your ASIC Quality GPU Z is the higher your leakage level is and vice versa. Higher leakage means the GPU will require less voltage to operate, however its maximum safe voltage level is lower at the same time. Lower leakage parts require higher voltages, however their break down voltage is slightly greater too. Note that the VRM current capability is completely temperature dependant, so dont expect it to survive at high temperatures. It can provide 3. A at 2. 5C, but it can still burn with lt 1. A load at 1. 10C. High ASIC Quality Leakage Lower operating voltage, larger current draw, hotter, less energy efficient due higher lossesLow ASIC Quality Higher operating voltage, lower current draw, cooler, more energy efficient. Unless you are using LN2 you definitely want the leakage to be as low as possible. Even under LN2 the high leakage characteristics are only desired because the difference in voltage scaling. All ASICs despite the leakage have some sort of design specific absolute voltage limit. The low leakage ASIC might run into this limit prior reaching the maximum clocks. You can use this software the check the default, leakage dependent voltage of your CPU specimen http 1drv.