Uber and Airbnb Want To Tap Into Indias Massive and Controversial Biometric Database UpdatedThe Indian government spent seven years compiling a national database that includes citizens iris scans, fingerprints, addresses, and phone numbersand now Airbnb, Uber, and India ride hailing service Ola are all interested in incorporating the system into their services, according to a report from Buzz. Feed News. The national ID database, Aadhar, contains information on about 9. Welcome to ACCCA JobTrac If you are new to JobTrac and submitting your first job posting with ACCCA, there is a 500 per year subscription fee for unlimited job postings. Startups news from the, including the latest news, articles, quotes, blog posts, photos, video and more. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Early history. Communities of Spanishspeaking Tejanos, Nuevomexicanos, Californios and Mission Indians have existed in the American southwest since the area was part. DMV Offices for TitlesPlates. Search below by county or city to find DMV Title Registration offices or tap the map icon. Get-a-Driver%27s-License-for-Illegal-Immigrants-Step-2.jpg/aid6605751-v4-728px-Get-a-Driver%27s-License-for-Illegal-Immigrants-Step-2.jpg' alt='California Commercial Drivers License Handbook Spanish Numbers' title='California Commercial Drivers License Handbook Spanish Numbers' />The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the governments premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupationssuch as carpenters, teachers, and. California Commercial Drivers License Handbook Spanish Numbers' title='California Commercial Drivers License Handbook Spanish Numbers' />Indias population of 1. Aadhar was launched in 2. But the biometric based system has been criticized as Orwellian and dangerous because it can be used to monitor residents and because the nation has no privacy regulations. According to a report from Indias Centre for Internet and Society, about 1. Aadhar data was recently leaked online. Earlier this month, Microsoft also integrated Aadhar into Skype Lite, but the company said it will keep user information encrypted. As more companies use Aadhar data, the risk of personal data being leaked will likely increase. Batman Vengeance Pc Game Crackers here. Anonymous sources at Airbnb, Uber, and Ola told Buzz. Feed News how the companies planned to use the controversial system. Airbnb is interested in using the database to authenticate India based hosts and is already testing it with a sample of users, according to an Airbnb spokesperson. Hosts selected for the test are given the option to use Aadhar to verify their identity. While it seems Airbnb only plans to use the database to ensure users are who they claim to be, Uber and Ola are interested in using Aadhar to verify identities and collect user demographic information. In May, Buzz. Feed News learned from an Uber executive that Uber is seriously considering vetting drivers using Aadhar. But the source said that at that time the company was not planning on making the process mandatory for drivers. Ola, however, is obligating new drivers to use Aadhar authentication, starting today. The company decided to enforce the new process after a driver, who reportedly signed up using a fake ID, abducted a rider on July 7. In 2. 01. 4, Both Uber and Ola updated their verification process after an Uber driver raped a passenger in New Dheli. Here in the US, many cities and advocacy groups have pushed Uber and Lyft to perform fingerprint background checks on drivers as a part of an effort to improve safety standards, but both companies have fought back. Of course, different countries have different perspectives on privacy, so its not necessarily fair to judge the Indian governments approach to data collection based on an American perspective of privacy. Indian lawmakers are still trying to determine if privacy is a fundamental right. But its telling that some US based companies are willing to embrace the lax privacy ethos of other countries whenever it is advantageous to them. Update 5 5. 5pm An Uber security and privacy spokesperson told Gizmodo they are trying to track down Buzzfeeds source because this is not something were seriously considering right now.