SOLVED Outlook 2. Exchange 2. 01. 0 Slow Autodiscover. Check your settings with my guide below. You need to make sure your Outlook. Anywhere and Auto. Discover settings are setup properly along with Split DNS. Install Directory Should Be Removed Test Link Installation. Outlook. Anywhere and Split DNS are vital for future proofing your Exchange configuration and making it work properly now, regardless if you use Exchange 2. For Exchange 2. 01. UnHEu.png' alt='Microsoft Exchange Rpc Client Access Not Starting Sbs 2011 Slow' title='Microsoft Exchange Rpc Client Access Not Starting Sbs 2011 Slow' />Outlook. Anywhere is a requirement and Split DNS is Best Practice. If you are on Exchange 2. Outlook. Anywhere enabled, enable Outlook. Anywhere and follow this guide. You should always use NTLM over Basic authentication, as Basic sends the username and password in the clear, and NTLM is Windows Authentication. 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Prevent Outlook Anywhere aka RPC over HTTP from being automatically configured in Exchange 2007 with autodiscover. On Exchange 2. 01. Negotiate, which is recommended. As you follow this guide, you will set the Client. Authentication. Method Internal and External if on Exchange 2. NTLM and IISAuthentication. Methods to Basic,NTLM and Basic,NTLM,Negotiate for Exchange 2. Please also turn on SSLOffloading. As DNS is a vital component in any network, please make sure that Split DNS is setup first before doing anything else. To make sure Split DNS is working properly, ping the OWA URL and Auto. Discover URL eg. These should both respond from an internal computer to the internal IP of your Exchange server eg. Then from an external source, ping the OWA URL and Auto. Discover URL eg. They should both respond externally to your external IP of the mail server eg. To confirm that Split DNS is working correctly From an internal computer Textping mail. These should resolve to your internal IP of your mail server eg. From an external computer Textping mail. These should resolve to your external IP of your mail server eg. To fix the external records more than likely, autodiscover is the one that doesnt exist and needs to be created, on your domains name servers create an A record for autodiscover. IP of your mail server eg. To fix the internal records, the easiest way to do this is to create a DNS Zone Active Directory Integrated for mail. OWA URL and then create a blank A Record and point it to your internal IP Address for your mail server eg. Then create another DNS Zone Active Directory Integrated for autodiscover. A record and point it to the internal IP Address of your mail server eg. After Split DNS is confirmed working, the next thing to check is the Virtual Directories and the Client Access Server Autodiscover URI and fix them accordingly too. All Internal. Url and External. Urls should be setup using the hostname mail. OWA URL that you chose. If some of these Exchange Power. Shell commands error out, dont worry, these are to provide everything from Exchange 2. Run these commands and keep them as a text file as a backup of what you currently have for settings should you need to reference what something used to be. Powershell. Get Outlook. Providerfl. Get Outlook. Anywherefl. Get Client. Access. Serverfl. Get Active. Sync. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Autodiscover. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Ecp. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Oab. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Owa. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Power. Shell. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Web. Services. Virtual. Directoryfl. Get Send. ConnectorWhere Object. Enabled eqtruefl. After taking a backup of the output above, lets proceed with the steps to fix your environment. Change the External. Client. Authentication. Method Client. Authentication. Method on Exchange 2. NTLM and turn on SSLOffloading. If youre on Exchange 2. Outlook 2. 01. 3 clients, I would suggest setting External. Client. Authentication. Method, Internal. Client. Authentication. Method and IISAuthentication. Methods to Negotiate, otherwise, keept it with NTLM for backwards compatability of Outlook 2. Outlook 2. 00. 7 clients. For Exchange 2. 01. Powershell. Set Outlook. Anywhere IdentitySERVERRpc Default Web Site SSLOffloadingtrue Client. Authentication. Method. NTLM IISAuthentication. Methods. Basic,NTLMFor Exchange 2. Powershell. Set Outlook. Anywhere IdentitySERVERRpc Default Web Site SSLOffloadingtrue External. Client. Authentication. Method. NTLM Internal. Client. Authentication. Method. NTLM IISAuthentication. Methods. Basic,NTLM,Negotiate. Set the Cert. Principal. Name for the Outlook. Provider settings. Powershell. Set Outlook. Provider Identity. EXCH Cert. Principal. Namemsstd SubjectnameofcertificateSet Outlook. Provider Identity. EXPR Cert. Principal. Namemsstd SubjectnameofcertificateSet Outlook. Provider Identity. WEB Cert. Principal. Namemsstd SubjectnameofcertificateSet the CAS Autodiscover to the OWA Hostname Powershell. Set Client. Access. Server IdentitySERVER Auto. Discover. Service. Internal. Urihttps OWAHOSTNAMEAutodiscoverAutodiscover. Set All Virtual. Directories to the OWA Hostname except for the Autodiscover. Virtual. Directory which stays blank for Internal. URL and External. URL. Powershell. Set Active. Sync. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVERMicrosoft Server Active. Sync Default Web Site Active. Sync. Serverhttps OWAHOSTNAMEMicrosoft Server Active. Sync Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEMicrosoft Server Active. Sync External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEMicrosoft Server Active. SyncSet Ecp. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVERecp Default Web Site Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEecp External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEecpSet Oab. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVEROAB Default Web Site Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEOAB External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEOAB Require. SSLtrue. Set Owa. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVERowa Default Web Site Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEowa External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEowaSet Power. Shell. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVERPower. Shell Default Web Site Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEpowershell External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEpowershellSet Web. Services. Virtual. Directory IdentitySERVEREWS Default Web Site Internal. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEewsexchange. External. Urlhttps OWAHOSTNAMEewsexchange. Internal. NLBBypass. Urlnull. Set the FQDN option of all the enabled Send Connectors Powershell. Get Send. ConnectorWhere Object. Enabled eqtrueSet Send. Connector Fqdn. OWAHOSTNAMERestart IIS and the Microsoft Exchange Transport Services. Another thing that is really handy, is to make OWA accessible by http redirecting to https so that your users dont have to remember to type https. The easiest and best way that Ive found to do this is to edit the Default Websites Error Pages and set the 4. You will need to re apply this after every Cumulative Update CU that you perform as the CUs will revert these settings to defaults. To do this Open IISNavigate to the Default Web Site on the left. On the right, double click on Error Pages. Double click on the 4. Status Code. Change the Response Action to Respond with a 3. Absolute URL type in https mail. Press OK and close IIS. Make sure that your firewall also passes traffic on port 8. In your browser, type in mail. It should find it and redirect you to the OWA Login. If you dont already have a proper 3rd party certificate, I would suggest taking the plunge for 2. USDhttps www. namecheap. Name. Cheap has Positive. SSL Multi Domain certs with the first 3 hostnames included. Youre going to need at least 2 mail. OWA URL, and Subject of the Cert and autodiscover. Subject Alternative Name or SAN.