Microsoft Edge Windows 10. High quality, individual, hand made traditional vases and bowl designs, glass sets, pastry trays, napkin holders, jewelry boxes and ashtrays from high quality crystal. ADO. NET Provider. Enhancements for the ADO. NET Interface. ADO. NET for Oracle. ODP. NET Driver Updates Drivers for these ODP. NET versions are updated. Download Visual Studio 2003 Retired Technical documentation from Official Microsoft Download Center. Shows how to support CrossOrigin Resource Sharing CORS in ASP. NET Web API. There are two ways of exporting functions in VC Use declspec, a Microsoftspecific keyword. Create a ModuleDefinition File. DEF. The first way is a tad bit. It can be a powerful thing to display dynamic HTML in your C applications. It can give your applications a modern look and feel and can make displaying data in non. VBA Compiler Add In Compile VBA to VB. NET COM DLLLately I have been working hard on a completely new project compiling VBA to VB. NET VBA Compiler. If youve had your way around my blog a little bit you might notice I am little obsessed with VBA code performance and VBA multithreading. Well I always had a soft spot for. NET in my career as a developer although nowadays its only a late night hobby when the kids are sleeping, and management consulting during the day. Anyways I always thought it way a real shame there was no easy at least not for an amateur way to compile VBA code into VB. NET. Especially since both VB and VBA are almost identical in their syntax no duh Looking to increase your VBA PerformanceFirst try evaluating your source code according to these VBA Performance Tips. Why you may ask Well, VBA is a slow language due to the fact that its code is interpreted instead of being compiled and executed. No surprises there Microsoft didnt expect anyone to write complex algorithms and applications in a Workbook. But often many prototypes start in Excel and VBA Or simply they start as small stopgaps and then grow bigger and more complex. Feel free to see for yourself just how slow VBA is compared to VBscript and. NET. If you read my article where I compare various approaches to achieving multithreading in VBA you must already be aware of the vast performance opportunities in exporting your VBA code to. NET usually a 1. However, the task to export VBA code is not easily accessible to the average VBA developer. Hence the need for a tool that would allow you to effortlessly compile and export your VBA code to VB. NET dll. This is the goal that drove me to creating the VBA Compiler Add In. Enough with the intro lets jump right in The VBA Compiler Add In. The Add In still in development allows you to select any number of VBA Functions or Subs to be exported and compiled into a COM visible VB. NET DLL dont worry about the details if you are not a techie. Why Compile VBA to VB. NET Well, for a load of reasons let me mention just a few top of mind below Performance in most scenarios. NET there are exceptions is much more efficient. Although the resulting DLL will still run sequentially you may as well be seeing 1. Code is more secure out of the box not so much google. NET decompilers, but with Obfuscation many free available solutions out there you can easily achieve much higher levels of code security that with any Excel Workbook. The VBA Compiler does not obfuscate your code. You need to obfuscate it using any of the available. NET obfuscators. I recommend Confuser. Ex as it has a simple GUIPortability migrating your Excel VBA solution to another platform PHP, ASP. NET etc. Want to make the implementation as easy as possibleWell the VBA Compiler will create a COM visible DLL that can easily be used directly from PHP or from most other platforms. Honestly in some situations its better to rewrite VBA from scratch. There are still performance opportunities in multithreading, refactoring or using native. NET capabilities Linq not available by simply compiling a piece of VBA code. VBA Compiler Installation. To install the VBA Compiler Add In simply Be sure to first install Microsoft. NET Framework 4. 5 and Windows SDKUnzip the VBA Compiler. Run Setup. exe. Open Excel Options and select Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model. The Add In should now be available in Excel as a new Ribbon Tab group called VBA Compiler. The Add In looks as follows VBA Compiler Add In for Excel. Compile VBA code to VB. NETCurrently both VBA Functions and Subs can be compiled to VB. NET. VBA has a similar syntax to VB. NET hence most VBA Functions should compile without issues to VB. NET DLLs. Follow the process below Step 1 Select Functions and Subs select any number of VBA Functions or Subs you wish to compile to a VB. NET DLLStep 2 Select Platform this is a VERY important step Make sure which version of Excel you are using x. This value defaults to your Windows platform which does not necessarily need to be your Excel platformStep 3 Select. NET version select 4. You can try using other versions. Step 4 Extract DLL compile the VBA Functions to a VB. NET DLL. Make sure to fix any compilation errors. Compile VBA Examples. Hello World Let us start with a simple Hello World Add. In. We want to export the following function to a VB. NET DLL. Public Function Merge. Stringsstr. 1 As String, str. As String As String. Merge. Strings str. Simple right If you have the Add. In installed simply proceed as follows Go to the VBA Compiler Ribbon Tab. Click Step 1. and select the Merge. Strings function from the list. Click Step 2. to select your Excel platform 3. If you have. NET 4. Step 3. and select your designated. NET version. Click Step 4 Extract DLLNotice that now your VBA Project is extended with an additional Module. Public Declare Function Create. Run. Class Lib Functions. DLLx. 86. dll As Object. Public Declare Function Free. Library Lib kernel. By. Val h. Lib. Module As Long As Long. Public Declare Function Load. Library Lib kernel. Alias Load. Library. A By. Val lp. Lib. File. Name As Long. Function Load. DLL As Long. Load. DLL Load. LibraryThis. Workbook. Path Functions. DLLx. 86. dll. Sub Free. DLLh. Module As Long. Do Until Free. Libraryh. Module 0. What is really important is the Create. Run. Class procedure which creates an object we can use to execute our exported function. Dim test. Class As Object. Set test. Class Create. Run. Class. Debug. Print test. Class. Merge. StringsHello, World. Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Portable Buildings. What do you get Fantastic The whole exercise took me only a moment. Be sure to read through to learn more. VBA Compiler best practice. The VBA Compiler Add In produces a. NET DLL which is loaded dynamically via the Load. DLL procedure. The procedures needs to be run only once hence it is suggested to Load the DLL during the Workbook Open event. A good practice is to also unload the DLL for this the compiler generates the Free. DLL procedure. It requires that you provide the module handle. Below a code snippet I recommend placing in your Workbook module covering the above needs. Dim h. Module As Long. Private Sub WorkbookOpen. Load the DLL into memory. Module Load. DLL. Private Sub WorkbookBefore. CloseCancel As Boolean. Unload the DLL from memory. Free. DLL h. Module. Download and License. Feel free to download the latest version below VBA Compiler. VBA Compiler 6. 4 bit version. This Excel Add In is currently available under the MIT License. VBA Compiler Startup Kit. Struggling with VBA Compiler Be sure to checkout my VBA Compiler Startup KitThe VBA Compiler Startup Kit contains various code examples that will let you get the most out of your projects. How to use VB. NET multithreading to increase performanceHow to share object and arrays with your DLL functions All these questions are answered with examples you can compile using the Add. In. FAQThis section will list the Frequently Asked Questions on the VBA Compiler Add In. Why does the VBA Compiler throw errors for Excel object such as Range, Cells, Worksheets, Workbooks, Applications Range, Cells, Worksheets, Workbooks and the Excel. Application objects are all associated with Excel specifically and often your current running Excel process.