Office of Policy, Procedures and Training DHSPB201705 Referrals of Runaway Homeless Youth to Department of Homeless Services DHS Shelters. System Crash Achievements Fix, Clean SYSTEM CRASH ACHIEVEMENTS And Optimize PC SPEED Up Your PC FREE Scan Now Recommended. Windows 7 Error. ONLINE RESOURCES by WNYLC Empire Justice Center. Windows 7 Update Error Code 78F' title='Windows 7 Update Error Code 78F' />Greenhouse Effect, or Atmospheric Pressure Roy Spencer, Ph. DI continue to see some commenters here supporting the notion that the warmth of the lower atmosphere and the Earths surface can be explained through atmospheric pressure, rather than the so called greenhouse effect GE. The GE comes from the ability of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to absorb gain and emit lose infrared radiation at terrestrial temperatures. Of course, if there is no GE, then global warming cannot be caused by the addition of more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. This view has a pretty widespread following, and I continue to get emails asking me about it. I consider the no such thing as a greenhouse effect people to be wrong, and once again I will try to explain the reasons why. The GE does not contradict the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and without the GE, we would not even have weather in the atmosphere more on that, below. Office_2010_SP2_installation_failed.jpg' alt='Windows 7 Update Error Code 78F' title='Windows 7 Update Error Code 78F' />The Warm Earth Greenhouse Effect, or Atmospheric Pressure July 30th, 2016 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Windows Update Error 78f Fix, Clean WINDOWS UPDATE ERROR 78F And Optimize PC SPEED Up Your PC FREE Scan Now Recommended. Dell Error 900 57. Find out step by step instructions on how to fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x800704cf. I have written many posts covering this subject over the years, but since the issue persists, I will go over the high points once again. WHAT CAUSES TEMPERATURE TO CHANGE The first thing we have to agree upon is what causes the temperature of anything to change energy gain and energy loss. It doesnt matter whether we are talking about air, the human body, a car engine, or a pot on the stovetemperature goes up when energy gain exceeds energy loss, and temperature goes down when energy loss exceeds energy gain. This is basic thermodynamics, it is how quantitative temperature changes are estimated when engineers design stuff, in weather forecast models, and in physics calculations in general. If we cannot agree on this basic point there is no reason to continue the discussion. WHY IS THE ENERGETIC VIEW OF TEMPERATURE IMPORTANT The reason why we must talk in terms of an energy budget when discussing temperature is that people tend to forget that energy LOSS is just as important as energy GAIN. For example, you cannot compute what the temperature of an object will be by shining sunlight of a known intensity on it. Yes, sunlight is virtually the only source of energy in the climate system, but the average surface temperature of the Earth cannot be estimated from the strength of this source the processes which control the rate of energy LOSS are also involved. And the Earths greenhouse effect reduces the rate of energy loss by the Earths surface and lower atmosphere. AIR PRESSUREFirst, lets examine the effect of air pressure. It is true that if you take an air parcel at low pressure say, high in the atmosphere and bring it down to the surface it will be compressed and its temperature will go up. If no heat is gained or lost to its surroundings an adiabatic process, and we will ignore the complicating effects of water vapor condensing the rate of temperature rise is about 9. C per kilometer in altitude, the so called adiabatic lapse rate. So, if the atmosphere was continually mixed, and we ignore the effects of water evaporation and condensation, then the atmosphere would be warmer near the surface than at high altitudes, and the temperature would fall off with height at the rate of about 9. Ckm. This is the basis for the argument that its not the greenhouse effect that warms the Earth surface so much and Venus surface dramatically more, but atmospheric pressure, instead. But this incomplete view has a number of unexplained problemsFor example, what would the absolute temperatures be The adiabatic lapse rate only tells you how temperature changes with heightnot what the actual temperature would be. So, what temperature would you start the parcel of air high in the atmosphere at, before bringing it to the surface and warming it Why did you choose that initial temperature Existing theory, with the greenhouse effect, can allow you to compute that temperature from first principles. And how to explain the effect of convective heat transfer from the Earths surface to the atmosphere, if the atmosphere has no way to cool itselfI think that the no GE folks agree that there is net convective heat transfer from the surface of the earth up into the atmosphere thats mostly how the atmosphere get heated, by the surface. As part of this, water is also evaporated at the surface which requires energythis energy is then released high in the atmosphere when the vapor condenses into clouds and precipitation, contributing to the convective heat transfer. If this convective heating of the atmosphere is continuously occurring, what prevents the atmosphere from warming endlessly It must have some mechanism of heat loss just as large as the heat gain in order for the temperature to finally settle out around some average value. The answer is that the atmosphere continuously cools by emission of infrared radiation to outer space, primarily by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, water vapor being the most important, and carbon dioxide being second most important. But that IR emission occurs in all directionsnot just upward. And its the downward emission of IR radiation that causes the greenhouse effect. THE GREENHOUSE EFFECTAnything that emits IR also absorbs IR, and this makes the intuitive understanding of how IR radiation affects the atmospheric temperature profile difficult. Unlike the sun, which is a single and ultimate source of energy, every atmospheric layer is both an emitter and absorber of IR energy. The fact we cant see IR radiation with our eyes further impedes our intuition. Importantly, the amount of IR energy a parcel of air absorbs is mostly independent of temperature, but the amount it emits is very dependent on temperature. The idea that air emits IR at the same rate it absorbs is, in general, just plain incorrect. The atmosphere, even though it is colder than the surface of the Earth, emits IR toward the surface. This does not violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which only says that the NET flow of energy must be from higher temperature to lower temperature. Adobe Cs6 Universal Keygen By Core there. EXAMPLE Think of two identical, solid plates at the same temperature facing each other. Hopefully we can all agree that there will be no net flow of IR energy between them, because they are both emitting IR at the same intensity. Now imagine one plate is 1. C cooler than the otherthere will be a net flow of IR radiation from the warmer plate to the cooler plate, right But what if the cooler plate is 2. C cooler than the warm plate, rather than only 1. C cooler Can we agree that the net flow of IR radiation will be even larger If so, that means that the IR radiation from the cool plate to the warm plate affects the net flow of IR energy between the two plates, rightSo, the colder object does effect the energy budget and thus temperature of the warmer objectbecause energy LOSS is just as important as energy gain when determining temperature. If you want to curiously argue that the cold plate doesnt actually emit energy that is absorbed by the warmer plate as Ph. D physicist Claes Johnson has argued with me, you still must admit that the temperature of the cold plate DOES affect the net rate of IR transfer from the warmer surface to the colder surface, right Well, thats all that is required for the existence of the greenhouse effect.