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Code name Wikipedia. A code name or cryptonym is a word or name used, sometimes clandestinely, to refer to another name, word, project or person. Names are often used for military purposes, or in espionage. They may also be used in industrial counter industrial espionage to protect secret projects and the like from business rivals, or to give names to projects whose marketing name has not yet been determined. Another reason for the use of names and phrases in the military is that they transmit with a lower level of cumulative errors over a walkie talkie or radio link than actual names. Military originseditDuring World War I, names common to the Allies referring to nations, cities, geographical features, military units, military operations, diplomatic meetings, places, and individual persons were agreed upon, adapting pre war naming procedures in use by the governments concerned. Mozilla Firefox est un navigateur web libre et gratuit, dvelopp et distribu par la Mozilla Foundation avec laide de milliers de bnvoles 9, 10 grce. Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' title='Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' />In the British case names were administered and controlled by the Inter Services Security Board ISSB staffed by the War Office. Download Pes 2005 Full Version Free Pc. This procedure was coordinated with the United States when America entered the war. Random lists of names were issued to users in alphabetical blocks of ten words and were selected as required. Words became available for re use after six months and unused allocations could be reassigned at discretion and according to need. Screenshot-8-Waterfox-64-Bit-Firefox-637x576-61d15726e779028d.jpg' alt='Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' title='Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' />Judicious selection from the available allocation could result in clever meanings and result in an aptronym or backronym, although policy was to select words that had no obviously deducible connection with what they were supposed to be concealing. Those for the major conference meetings had a partial naming sequence referring to devices or instruments which had an ordinal number as part of their meaning, e. TRIDENT. Joseph Stalin, whose last name means man of steel, was given the name GLYPTIC, meaning an image carved out of stone. Reference Glossary of Names2 from U. S. Army in World War II Washington Command Post The Operations Division. World War II Allied Operations3Abbreviations, Acronyms, Codewords, Terms Appearing in WW II Histories and Documents4Information from original files held at The National Archives formerly The Public Record Office which hold the publicly available records of central government for the UKGerman code nameseditEwen Montagu, a British Naval intelligence officer, discloses in Beyond Top Secret Ultra that during World War II, Nazi Germany habitually used ad hoc code names as nicknames which often openly revealed or strongly hinted at their content or function. Some German code names Conversely, Operation Wacht am Rhein Watch on the Rhine was deliberately named to suggest the opposite of its purpose  a defensive watch as opposed to a massive blitzkrieg operation, just as was Operation Weserbung Weser exercise, which signified the plans to invade Norway and Denmark in April 1. Code names of other powerseditBritain and the United States developed the security policy of assigning code names intended to give no such clues to the uninitiated. For example, the British counter measures against the V 2 was called Operation Crossbow. Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' title='Firefox Vista 64 Bit Download Deutsch Film' />Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications. ITunes 64Bit 12. 7 Download bei GIGA. Apple iTunes, hier in der 64BitVersion, ist der wohl bekannteste Player fr Musik und Videos. Das Programm bietet ferner eine. Firefox als gratis Download Hier knnen Sie kostenlos die aktuelle, deutsche 64BitVersion des MozillaBrowser herunterladen. Get help and howto info for Windows Essentialsincluding Windows Live Mail, Movie Maker, and more. The atomic bomb project centered in New Mexico was called the Manhattan Project, derived from the Manhattan Engineer District which managed the program. The code name for the American A 1. SR 7. 1 spy plane project, producing the fastest, highest flying aircraft in the world, was Oxcart. The American group that planned that countrys first ICBM was called the Teapot Committee. Although the word could stand for a menace to shipping in this case, that of Japan, the American code name for the attack on the subtropical island of Okinawa in World War II was Operation Iceberg. The Soviet Unions project to base missiles in Cuba was named Operation Anadyr after their closest bomber base to the US just across the Bering Strait from Nome, Alaska. The names of colors are generally avoided in American practice to avoid confusion with meteorological reporting practices. Britain, in contrast, made deliberately non meaningful use of them, through the system of rainbow codes. Aircraft recognition reporting nameseditAlthough German and Italian aircraft were not given code names by their Allied opponents, in 1. Captain Frank T. Mc. Coy, an intelligence officer of the USAAF, invented a system for the identification of Japanese military aircraft. Initially using short, hillbilly boys names such as Pete, Jake, and Rufe, the system was later extended to include girls names and names of trees and birds, and became widely used by the Allies throughout the Pacific theater of war. This type of naming scheme differs from the other use of code names in that it does not have to be kept secret, but is a means of identification where the official nomenclature is unknown or uncertain. The policy of recognition reporting names was continued into the Cold War for Soviet, other Warsaw Pact, and Communist Chinese aircraft. Although this was started by the Air Standards Co ordinating Committee ASCC formed by the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, it was extended throughout NATO as the NATO reporting name for aircraft, rockets and missiles. These names were considered by the Soviets as being like a nickname given to ones unit by the opponents in a battle, such as the U. S. Marines were called by the Germans in France Devil Dogscitation needed, which they appreciated as a feather in their cap. The Soviets did not like the Sukhoi Su 2. Frogfoot. citation needed However, some names were appropriate, such as Condor for the Antonov An 1. Fulcrum for the Mikoyan Mi. G 2. 9, which had a pivotal role in Soviet air strategy. Code names were adopted by the following process. Aerial or space reconnaissance would note a new aircraft at a Warsaw Pact airbase. The intelligence units would then assign it a code name consisting of the official abbreviation of the base, then a letter, for example, Ram A, signifying an aircraft sighted at Ramenskoye Airport. Missiles were given designations like TT 5, for the fifth rocket seen at Tyura Tam. When more information resulted in knowing a bit about what a missile was used for, it would be given a designation like SS 6, for the sixth surface to surface missile design reported. Finally, when either an aircraft or a missile was able to be photographed with a hand held camera, instead of a reconnaissance aircraft, it was given a name like Flanker or Scud  always an English word, as international pilots worldwide are required to learn English. The Soviet manufacturer or designation which may be mistakenly inferred by NATO has nothing to do with it. Jet powered aircraft received two syllable names like Foxbat, while propeller aircraft were designated with short names like Bull. Fighter names began with an F, bombers with a B, cargo aircraft with a C. Training aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft were grouped under the word miscellaneous, and received M. The same convention applies to missiles, with air launched ground attack missiles beginning with the letter K and surface to surface missiles ranging from intercontinental ballistic missiles to antitank rockets with the letter S, air to air missiles A, and surface to air missiles G. Military operations since ChurchilleditThroughout the Second World War, the British allocation practice favored one word code names Jubilee, Frankton.

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