Common Raw Feeding Mistakes That Can Be Harmful to Your Pet. By Dr. Becker. This is part three of my three part video series on the myths and truths surrounding raw food diets part one, part two. In this final segment, I want to discuss why raw pet foods get a bad rap. There are actually many valid reasons why raw pet foods come under scrutiny by traditional veterinarians and people who have had bad luck trying living foods. But all of these pitfalls are, fortunately, avoidable. Reason 1 Many Raw Pet Food Diets are Unbalanced. Mistakes Of My Life Download Free Ebook' title='3 Mistakes Of My Life Download Free Ebook' />First, many homemade and prey model diets and a few commercially available raw food diets are unbalanced. This means pets have been brought to veterinarians, including me, with nutritional imbalances that could and should have been avoided. These animals are deficient in antioxidants, or the correct amounts of trace minerals and vitamins, or the right fatty acid balance for appropriate and balanced skeletal growth, and organ and immune health. Usually, these well intentioned owners dont correlate their pets medical issues with nutritional deficiencies, but their vets do. And many veterinarians develop very strong opinions against all homemade and raw diets because of these cases. There are many well meaning people who feed unbalanced diets out of ignorance and, in some cases, stubbornness. Ive had several clients tell me they dont care that the analysis of their pets current diet lets say, chicken wings and burgers demonstrates deficiencies in certain critical nutrients. They believe that This is the diet Ive fed for X number of years and my dog is doing fine, so theres no need to change it. These types of statements tell me these clients are waiting for disease to occur before they will change what theyre doing. And in these situations, the pets always lose. This type of attitude causes many veterinarians to loathe any attempts at homemade diets and to lump all raw diets into the same category. Reason 2 GI Issues. Another reason raw diets get a bad rap is because gastrointestinal problems often develop when a dog or cat is switched from processed to raw food. Mistakes Of My Life Download Free Ebook' title='3 Mistakes Of My Life Download Free Ebook' />There are two main reasons pets acquire GI issues from dietary transitions the speed of the change in foods, and dysbiosis. Changing an animals diet too quickly can result in diarrhea. Ive had several dozen clients that either learn whats really in their pets food, or realize the brand theyve been feeding is actually quite terrible, and they go home and throw it out. They drive to the local upscale pet boutique and purchase a human grade raw food, and their pet loves it. But then the dog or cat becomes very sick after a few days, and off they go to the veterinarian. Newsletter with articles on current research finds, industry news, job listings and event schedules. Includes sign up form and information about the company. Chetan Bhagat is a renowned columnist, speaker, and author from India. He has also written other books like 2 States The Story Of My Marriage, Five Point Someone. I bought Tims Trading Rules for the ES 6E Futures a few weeks ago when I discovered your blog. That is a great ebook. It is always a pleasure to buy something. How Can I Get My Wife Pregnant Feel Like Getting Period Can I Be Pregnant Pregnancy Miracle Free Ebook Download Getting Pregnant The Day After Your Period Clotting. Most vets erroneously blame all cases of diarrhea on the bacteria in the raw food versus the sudden dietary change, causing the veterinarian and the owner to panic unnecessarily. Also, dogs and cats process raw foods and kibble very differently. Raw food is processed as a protein, held in the stomach for an acid bath, unlike kibble, which a dog or cats body views metabolically as a starch. How To Activate And Deactivate Usb Port. If raw foods are added to dry foods for a meal, there can be digestive confusion, resulting in gassiness and belching. When introducing any new food to a pet with a healthy gut, I recommend using the new food as a treat for a day, and keeping an eye on the condition of the stool. Increase the number of new food treats over the next several days and continue to watch the stool. If the stool remains normal, replace one whole meal of old food with new food. Do this for several more days, and if the stools remain normal, its safe to discontinue the old food and feed only the new food. Now, if a dog or cat has eaten just one type of kibble her whole life, this process may need to be extended for several weeks or months, which is totally fine. However, if the pet has a sensitive stomach, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal disturbances, or gut inflammation conditions that plague most of the pet population the transition steps are very different and sometimes require GI support throughout the process. I have a friend who claims shes allergic to all healthy foods. Whenever she eats fresh fruits or vegetables, she has serious GI problems and must run to the bathroom if she consumes any type of fresh food. When she eats ice cream and donuts, shes good. But when she eats fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, she ends up running to the bathroom. When I tried to explain to her that living foods are not toxic to her system but that her gastrointestinal health is so poor she cant tolerate the foods her body was designed to eat, she laughs and says, Well, whatever. But actually, her bodys poor reaction to any healthy food is her excuse to not eat well. And I see this very same scenario in veterinary medicine. Vets say things like, I guess your pet wasnt meant to eat human grade food. Or Ive heard them say, Some animals just cant tolerate a diet change or healthy food. And while its true these cases take much more time to successfully transition, it is certainly worth the effort. Often there must be an accompanying medical protocol to treat dysbiosis and an inflamed GI tract, but again, the results are worth the effort. Changing the Diet of a Pet with GI Disease. Working with a veterinarian who understands functional medicine and leaky gut syndrome is critical for successful dietary transitions for most animals with GI disease. Its important to accomplish the transition without negatively affecting your pet. Just like my friend who could choose to put the time and energy into making a lifestyle change that over time would heal her body and allow her to consume nourishing foods without side effects, most people simply choose to continue the lifestyle that caused the problem. This is certainly true with pet owners as well. It appears to be too much work or too much trouble to put forth the effort needed to make a lifestyle change for a pet, which can take up to a year for many of these animals. My view, of course, is that health is on a spectrum, and pets are always moving one way or the other toward health, or away from health. So a year from now, will your pet be healthier or just a year olderPets with an overactive immune system or inflammatory bowel disease IBD will probably need professional assistance, perhaps a detoxification protocol and also a leaky gut protocol to transition to a better diet. Lots of patience will also be required. The road to recovery is not linearly positive. Its not a beautiful line of daily positive progress until your pet achieves wellness. There will be bumps in the road. Your pet will have ups and downs. But certainly, creating gastrointestinal health is critical if you want your dog or cat to thrive. So, the end result will be well worth your effort. Pets with gastrointestinal disease will need their food thoroughly ground up that means no bones, only bonemeal and gently cooked for many months in the initial transition phase. I often recommend beginning with only two ingredients in a home prepared diet and slowly adding nutrients one at a time as the animals health improves. Some people argue that transitioning this way starting so slow and taking so long to complete the process is not what nature intended. And I totally agree. I Make Money Online By Telling People How I Make Money Online. November 2. 3rd, 2. According to various car blogs, Tesla has opened Model 3 orders for all reservation holders. However, when I went to check my account, I found that I still cant order the car yet. So, I went and wash the Model X. Enjoy the Vlog and remember to subscribe Click Here To Download John Chows New e. Book, The Ultimate Online Profit Read More.