Sweeper and ATIs Catalyst. Before starting the process of changing display drivers, its a good idea to. That way, if something goes. Install Standard Vga Graphics Adapter Driver' title='Install Standard Vga Graphics Adapter Driver' />You should always have. The easiest and most reliable way to uninstall display drivers is with the. AddRemove Programs window. This should always be the first method you try. All but the most ancient drivers from NVIDIA and ATI can be removed this way. Most other recent display drivers can also be uninstalled in AddRemove. To use the addremove approach, open the Control Panel and then. AddRemove Programs. In Windows 9. 5, 9. ME, select the. InstallUninstall tab. Then for all versions of Windows, find the entry. The entry is usually the name of the. GPU on. your display adapter followed by graphics. Then just follow the prompts and remove the. You will then be asked to restart Windows. If your display driver doesnt support AddRemove Programs then. Windows 9. 5. 9. 8, or ME, then you install the standard. Windows 2. 00. 0, or Windows XP, you. Device Manager. Uninstalling NVIDIA drivers with AddRemove Programs. If you see an entry which says NVIDIA Graphics Drivers or NVIDIA Display. Drivers then select it and remove it. But sometimes NVIDIA display drivers. NVIDIA Drivers as seen above. This version appears because NVIDIA. They also make motherboard chipsets which means that. NVIDIA driver which can be removed in. AddRemove Programs. If you see something like NVIDIA n. Force Drivers. dont remove them. Those are motherboard chipset drivers. In the case shown. NVIDIA Drivers and click the ChangeRemove button. If the only NVIDIA driver installed is a display driver, then it will ask you. If there is more than one NVIDIA driver, then it will allow you to select. Click Remove only the following and then make sure. NVIDIA Display Driver has a check to the left of it. Click. Remove and then it will uninstall your display driver and leave the rest of. NVIDIA drivers installed. If you have more than one NVIDIA display adapter installed in your computer. Uninstalling ATI drivers with AddRemove Programs. When uninstalling ATI drivers using AddRemove Programs, you may have an. ATI Software Uninstall Utility. The uninstall utility removes. ATI control panel or ATI catalyst control center, the ATI display driver. ATI demos, and the uninstall utility itself. This utility is the easiest. ATI software. Just select the uninstall utility, click. If you dont have the uninstall utility then you should have the ATI Display. Driver. You probably also have either the ATI Control Panel or the ATI. Catalyst Control Center. First uninstall the ATI Control Panel or the ATI. Catalyst Control Center if you have either of those. You will be prompted to. Then uninstall the ATI. Display Driver. If you have more than one ATI driver installed, then a window will ask you to. In this example, both drivers are installed. Radeon 9. 70. 0 Pro video card. The Radeon 9. 70. PRO entry is the. Radeon 9. 70. 0 PRO Secondary is the output. Both drivers are listed even if youre only using. You should uninstall both of them. If you have any other ATI. Put a check to the left of all of the display drivers and then click OK and. If you have Catalyst drivers installed but for some reason you cannot remove. AddRemove Programs, you can download a copy of the ATI Catalyst. ATIs support site. Unfortunately I cant give you a direct link to the utility anymore because. ATI decided to prevent links into their support site. Youll. just have to navigate their labarynthine website on your own. Start. here and click the Customer Care. If a drop down menu appears when you move the. Customer Care then just ignore it and click Customer Care at. Type catalyst maintenance utilities into the search box in the. GO button. Look in the. CATALYST ATI Maintenance Utilities link and then. Click the cat uninstaller. The only difference between this utility and the ATI Software Uninstall. Utility in AddRemove Programs is that the downloaded version does not. Windows 2. 00. 0 and XP display drivers are normally removed in the AddRemove. Programs window but some drivers may not work that way. You can also have. AddRemove Programs but do. In cases like that, you can uninstall the driver in the Device. Manager. This approach only uninstalls the display driver itself and not any. AddRemove Programs. To use this method, open the Control. Panel and then double click System. Select the Hardware tab and click. Asterisk Disable Software Echo Cancellation On Mac. Device Manager. Then click the to the left of Display Adapters to. In both examples above, the installed drivers are actually drivers provided. Microsoft. This kind of display driver does not need to be uninstalled. It doesnt hurt to uninstall it, but it isnt necessary. If youre not sure whether its a Microsoft display driver then just go ahead. To uninstall the driver, right click it and then select. Uninstall. The Radeon 9. Pro shown above has two monitor outputs. The. Radeon 9. 70. PRO Family driver is the main monitor output and the Radeon. PRO SEC Family driver is for the second monitor output. You should. uninstall the driver for both outputs. If you cant use the AddRemove Programs method in Windows 9. ME. then you have to uninstall your current display driver by installing a. Open the Control Panel and then double click. Display to bring up the Display Properties window. Select the Settings. Advanced, and then select the Adapter tab. That displays the information about your current display adapter. Click. Change to start the Update device driver wizard. Click Next, select Display a list of all drivers in a specific. Next again. Select Show all hardware and then click on Standard display types which. Then click Standard PCI Graphics. Adapter VGA in the list on the right unless youre using a REALLY. ISA video card in which case you should select. Standard Display Adapter VGA and run out and buy a new computer. This. tells Windows to load up a generic display driver which also unloads your. Click Next twice and then Finish and then reboot Windows. Once Windows has rebooted, you should be operating with a generic display. Dealing with uninstall problems. Its a good idea to be thorough when youre uninstalling display drivers. Unfortunately. sometimes things go wrong. Perhaps you forgot to uninstall your old drivers. Whatever the cause, you may have parts of leftover display drivers. AMD Support and Radeon Software Driver Download. Create, capture, and share your remarkable moments. Effortlessly boost performance and efficiency.