We are a patriot organization that believes in upholding. CPS legal guidance on prosecuting cases of stalking and harassment formerly called Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Migos is an American hip hop trio from Lawrenceville, Georgia, formed in 2009. The trio is composed of three rappers, known by their stage names Quavo, Offset, and. Visit the number one site for tickets to top London theatre shows. Keep uptodate with theatre news and plan your visit with exclusive guides to the West End. I know it sounds like I made up a terribly inflammatory headline. JUST inflammatory. Its true, the Sam Girod indictment is below. Albuquerque and New Mexicos trusted news source. Statewide weather forecasts, live streaming, investigations, entertainment, local events and living. Stalking and Harassment Legal Guidance Crown Prosecution Service. Introduction. This legal guidance addresses behaviour which is repeated and unwanted by the victim and which causes the victim alarm or distress. Cases involving stalking and harassment can be difficult to prosecute, and because of their nature are likely to require sensitive handling, especially with regard to victim care. The provision of accurate and up to date information to the victim throughout the life of the case, together with quality support and careful consideration of any special measures requirements are essential factors for the CPS to consider. Toby-Jones-as-John-Mayhew-765072.jpg' alt='Witness To A Prosecution Ii Download Youtube' title='Witness To A Prosecution Ii Download Youtube' />It is important that the CPS work closely with the police and other agencies to ensure that the best evidence is gathered and presented to the court, to this end prosecutors should be aware of the Protocol on the appropriate handling of stalking offences between the Crown Prosecution Service ACPO. A strong, coordinated prosecution team is required to proactively build and manage a case. It is also important that, where appropriate, victims are able to access relevant support organisations. This is to ensure that their safety and support needs are addressed throughout the criminal case and sometimes beyond and to reduce the risk they face as a result of the offending. YouTube stars Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardsonbetter known as Diamond and Silk, respectivelywere invited to the Commerce Departments. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. In many circumstances, cases of stalking and harassment will come within the definition of domestic violence and as such the CPS Domestic Violence Policy and legal guidance will also be relevant. Further information can be found at Top of page. Terminology. Harassment. In this legal guidance, the term harassment is used to cover the causing alarm or distress offences under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1. PHA, and putting people in fear of violence offences under section 4 of the PHA. The term can also include harassment by two or more defendants against an individual or harassment against more than one victim. Although harassment is not specifically defined in section 72 of the PHA, it can include repeated attempts to impose unwanted communications and contact upon a victim in a manner that could be expected to cause distress or fear in any reasonable person. The definition of harassment was considered in Plavelil v Director of Public Prosecutions 2. EWHC 7. 36 Admin, in which it was held that the repeated making of false and malicious assertions against a doctor in connection with an investigation by the GMC could amount to a course of harassment. The Court of Appeal rejected the argument that malicious allegations could not be oppressive if they could easily be rebutted. A prosecution under section 2 or 4 requires proof of harassment. In addition, there must be evidence to prove the conduct was targeted at an individual, was calculated to alarm or cause himher distress, and was oppressive and unreasonable. Closely connected groups may also be subjected to collective harassment. The primary intention of this type of harassment is not generally directed at an individual but rather at members of a group. This could include members of the same family residents of a particular neighbourhood groups of a specific identity including ethnicity or sexuality, for example, the racial harassment of the users of a specific ethnic community centre harassment of a group of disabled people harassment of gay clubs or of those engaged in a specific trade or profession. Harassment of an individual can also occur when a person is harassing others connected with the individual, knowing that this behaviour will affect their victim as well as the other people that the person appears to be targeting their actions towards. This is known as stalking by proxy. Family members, friends and employees of the victim may be subjected to this. Top of page. Stalking The Protection of Freedoms Act 2. A and 4. A into the PHA 1. The new offences which came into force on 2. November 2. 01. 2, are not retrospective, and provide further options for prosecutors to consider when selecting charges. The Home Office issued guidelines in relation to the stalking offences. Whilst there is no strict legal definition of stalking, section 2. A 3 of the PHA 1. For example, following a person, watching or spying on them or forcing contact with the victim through any means, including social media. The effect of such behaviour is to curtail a victims freedom, leaving them feeling that they constantly have to be careful. In many cases, the conduct might appear innocent if it were to be taken in isolation, but when carried out repeatedly so as to amount to a course of conduct, it may then cause significant alarm, harassment or distress to the victim. Prosecutors should note that the examples given in section 2. A 3 is not an exhaustive list but an indication of the types of behaviour that may be displayed in a stalking offence. Prosecutors should note that stalking and harassment of another or others can include a range of offences such as those under the Protection from Harassment Act 1. Offences Against the Person Act 1. Sexual Offences Act 2. Malicious Communications Act 1. It is important when considering this type of offending to look at all relevant legislation when formulating charges. Top of page. Criminal Legislation This section covers the criminal legislation most relevant to cases of stalking and harassment. Protection from Harassment Act 1. The PHA was brought into force on 1. June 1. 99. 7 and was amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2. A and 4. A. A court dealing with a person convicted of any offence, including those under sections 2, 2. A, 4 or 4. A of the PHA, may make a restraining order prohibiting the defendant from doing anything described in the order. This order can be made in addition to a custodial sentence or other sentence. The order can be especially useful in preventing continued stalking and harassment by defendants, including those who are given sentences of imprisonment. The PHA includes the following provisions Harassment section 2 a summary only offence, carrying a maximum of six months imprisonment andor a level 5 fine Stalking section 2. A a summary only offence, carrying a maximum of six months imprisonment and or a level 5 fine Fear of violence section 4 an either way offence, carrying a maximum of five years imprisonment andor a fine on indictment Stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress section 4. A an either way offence, carrying a maximum of five years imprisonment andor a fine on indictment Breach of a civil injunction section 36 an either way offence, carrying the same penalty as for the section 4 offence Breach of a restraining order section 55 an either way offence, carrying the same penalty as for the section 4 offence a civil tort of harassment, created by section 3. Crime and Disorder Act 1. Prosecutors should note that there may be cases of stalking and harassment which may be linked with racial or religious hatred. Section 2. A and 4. A PHA 1. 99. 7 Stalking offences which are also racially and religiously aggravated are covered under Part 1. Schedule 9 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2. Prosecutors should consider Section 3. Crime and Disorder Act 1. CDA 1. 99. 8 which provides for two racially or religiously aggravated harassment offences, provided the racial or religious aggravation test in section 2. CDA 1. 99. 8 Acts met. Under section 3. 21of the CDA 1. A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1. The Pedo Files. The Pedo Files Curated by JAR2 The Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of. Journalists The. responsibility of journalists vis a vis the public has precedence over any. A journalists duties include respecting the truth no matter what. We are told the work on rPizzagate. The. subtitle here of course is that the State is solely legitimate to suspect. But what if the State itself is, in a. It wouldnt be a first after. Whether one is from the right. History. We may honestly disagree on the ways. State itself is committing crimes, it is the peoples sovereign and. Those who understand this truth best tend to. At least, thats what drove me to the profession. Now specifically on this work. First, there. is context institutional child abuse is already a. From the Presidio affair to Jimmy Saville and the BBC, or from the Vaticans. US legislators documented. Lolita Express, from the questions still surrounding Dutroux. Hampstead doubts, the scourge has been featured in the news, movies. There have also been many policymakers. British MP John Mann passionate speech. Parliament on the subject last year, or the extensive report. Interpol agent Bannon. Indeed it is a secret de. Polichinelle. So the only possible disagreement can be on the scale and systemicity of the. To honestly decide whether thats what we. Podesta emails, please have a look at this one example. Look at the invitation at the end of the thread. Ms Luzzatto is inviting. John and Mary Podesta to a farm in Lovettsville. This is what she says. We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be. Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto 1. Impossible, you say They couldnt possibly be speaking about abusing the. After all, what step grandmother would offer three innocent. This is how invitee Drew Littman answers the invitation. Ive never had an affair, so I pass the Walter Jones test. If. you arent aware, Walter B. Jones has for 2. 0 years been the U. S. Representative for North Carolinas 3rd congressional district in DC hes. Agreed, if that example was the only one. But theres more, much. Lets not even get into the handkerchiefs. Podesta. emails where that term is used in very strange and out of context manners. How about the fact that John and Tony. Podesta are old friends of Jeffery Epstein, Dennis Hastert and Clement. Freud, three convicted child molesters Who has so many child rapists as. Who stays friends. How about the Katy Grannan photos. Podestas. mansion, depicting naked teenagers How about Tony Podesta writing hes very good and a little wired. How about the underground vault on the. Certificate Script Font Free Download. Podestas property which admittedly. If you are feeling ill at ease, that. And the worse thing is you havent yet seen much. But. for more, youll have to look. Indeed one might be breaking statutory laws by linking to some of. Internet sleuths have found in the past three weeks. For example, did you know James Alefantis. DC by GQ, chef and White House. David Brock, owner of Comet Ping Pong, had an. Instagram account filled with references to and depictions of child abuse. Indeed its not just the frescoes. FBI recognized. pedophilia symbols. No, this is about his own posts, pictures, comments and. Again, youll have to look it up. It is hardly ambiguous. Indeed it is Alefantis who puts the. Pizzagate. If. that surprises you, did you know Arun Rao was caught liking several of. Alefantis creepiest toddler Instagram posts Again, that could be dismissed. Mr Rao is a Assistant US. And if youre still not distinguishing the. Laura Silsby Gayler, the woman caught. Haiti a country where the Clinton Foundation. Ms Clinton, thereafter became. My. State. USA, which changed its name to Alert. Sense, and which. Amber Alerts Enough already. If anything I have proven the legitimacy of the following. Is there a systemic pedophilia problem in. Washington DC, as we already suspect. Hollywood In terms of national systemicity, the. The International Centre for Missing Children. ICMEC estimates that 8 million children are reported missing each year. Of that number, according to U. S. Department of Justice. United States alone a rate of over 20. FBIs National Crime Information Center NCIC database in. With a current child population. United States, the U. S. Department. of Justice figures equate to around 1 child in every 9. United States each year. This looks like a systemic problem indeed. Childhood disappearances outnumber. United States by one third. Therefore, given the sheer amount of leaked emails, and the suspected. Podesta and. other Wikileaks, Guccifer 12, DNCLeaks, etc. Therefore, they should be investigated thoroughly under than. So. my fellow journalists, why arent you all looking into this Is it easy for. Im. not going to answer the question for you. At least hop on the bandwagon. But remember some moments are. Ill conclude with two excerpts. Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists kind of. Hippocratic Oath. The responsibility of journalists vis a vis the public has precedence. A journalists duties include respecting the truth no matter what. If. this doesnt matter, what does New Material on PizzagatePedogate. Child Trafficking and Abuse News Page. TopicsPizzagateNews. Nancy Schaefers Book The Corrupt Business of Child Protective. The Corrupt Business Of Child Protective Services Our Ongoing War With Twitters Censor Jack Who Protects the Pedos. Our Suspension. From Twitter Epsteins Lolita Express Black Book of Guests to Pedo Island. The Pedo Directory Epstein Black Book by John Robles Child Trafficking and Exploitation, Russian Adoptions and List of. Russian Victims. http www. TopicsChildTraffickingAdoptions. Michael Aquino, Duterte, MOSSAD, Ricin, Illuminati. J Exposes Michael. Aquino. The Pedo Files 0. Cabal Endgame and More Evidence. This is being done as a public service to the world in the hopes of protecting the little people DOWNLOADSPEDO FILE ONEPEDO FILE TWONOTICE THIS MATERIAL IS BEING PROVIDED FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC BUT SHOULD ALSO BE OF INTEREST TO INTERPOL, THE FSBMVDSVR, MI56, THE FBI, THE UNITED NATIONS AND EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CHILD PROTECTIVE ORGANZIATION IN EVERY COUNTRY WORLDWIDETHIS PURE EVIL HAS NO NATIONAL BORDERS AND MUST NOT BE POLITICIZED RAW, UNCUT, UNEDITTED UN CHERRY PICKED PODESTA E MAILS http www. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1 5. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails6. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails7. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails8. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails9. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1. DownloadsPodesta. EmailszippedPodestaEmails1. 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