TechSmith-SnagIt-All-Versions-Universal-Software-Keys-3.png' alt='Techsmith Snagit V12 2 1' title='Techsmith Snagit V12 2 1' />SnagIt,snagit 12 SnagIt 12SnagIt 11. Snagit,WindowsDOSRM. Below are some License Keys for VMware Workstation 9, all tested by AppNee, working all right. Shared them to all you folks who need thatSnagit 2. Free download and software reviews. Prosfast, easy, intuitive. Conseditor and snagit itself are separate. Reply to this review. Read reply 1Was this review helpful 1. Reply by griffragy. April 2, 2. 01. 6does it work with Windows 1. Pros. Easy to use and handy software. Multiple screenshot modes available. Doesnt consume much RAM. Helps in quick screenshot edits. Cons. Older version was much easier. GIF and PNG images are not supported. Summary. I have recommended all my colleagues to use this software. It is very handy and enables quick screenshot edits. Reply to this review. Read reply 1Was this review helpful 1. Reply by griffragy. April 2, 2. 01. 6does it work with Windows 1. Proscaptures are good, easy to store and many options on how to save captures. Cons. Snag It has moved away from easy to use function and tried to dress the product. Makes it slower to accomplish tasks than earlier versions. Summarytoo pricey for casual user. Not my favorite anymoreReply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Pros. I only use the screen capturing function for webinar recording. I compared it with other products like Camstudio, Pandopno, and Adobe Capture. This is the easiest to use, and gives me the best results Highly recommended. Cons. A bit pricey. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Pros. None that I can list. Cons. No option to select location of install OR where the captured information is streamed too. Summary. This is strictly for the small time user. I have terrabytes of storage on my NAS. But Snagit has NO options for sending the capture data to any where BUT the C drive. I need a program that will allow me HOURS of conference time. And my C drive is NOT the place save it. While I am not power windows user, I am still much more than you average user. But the only way to change the location of where the capture data is placed to muck around with NTFS junction points. And this is not something I want to do with my main working PC. On would think that this being the 1. Reply to this review. Read reply 1Was this review helpfulReply by CNET W4. CHL on October 2. I believe an option appeared in Snag. It v. 11 to allow you to change to any accessible Windows folder. In v. 12, open File Editor Options bottom of panel then click the Advanced section on left and in the middle of the panel, change the Automatically stored files location entry. Pros. Theres never been a shortage of screen capture utilities out there and Ive experimented with many of them. In all fairness, there are several that have improved over the years and can certainly get the job done. But that said, IMO nothing rivals Snagit in terms of functionality, user experienceworkflow, support and estheticscosmetics. The new Version 1. UI improvements making the overall capture experience more streamlined than ever before. Yes, I probably sound like a Snagit sales rep Im not but after trying so many competitive products over the years Im convinced that Snagit continues to hold the position of Top Dog. If nothing else Id suggest that you check out the trial version and see what you think. Cons. Snagit costs a bit more and that might be a deciding factor for some users. Still, if static or video screen captures are something you frequently use theres definitely some ROI to be gained with Snagits streamlines workflow. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. ProsPinpoint accuracy with the cross hair functionbility to edit photo size after initial capturebility to edit video and cut not desired sectionsrganization area called the libraryasy to use, and integrates with major Office products. Ability to connect mobile devices via Fuse. Conslthough Tech. Smith put a lot of tools on here, would always like more couple of formats for media are not available but the main ones are and is not a need just a wantSummary. Snagit is a screen or area capturing software which can work with various image types as well as video. The software is really much more than that. It is an all in one solution for editing and customizing of the media which was captured allowing for one tool to prepare the material that you need for app development, business presentation, general reporting or web design just to name a few. With a nice free trial, anyone can validate the software before purchase it is a sure fire win for most anyone needing this type of software. Prior to using Snag. It, I have used other brands of this type of software but each has limitations when you compare against the sheer power of the Tech. Smith solution. CNET reviewed an older version of this software and called it the Swiss army knife of photo editing tools. With the cross hair accuracy during capturing it is easy and very precise to select exactly which parts of the image video you desire. Many times, during capturing, it is a small area such as a boarder you are trying to cut out. With the cross hair and magnification at the focal point of the target area it can be pin point accurate. Notably, the tool has a smart feature which will highlight objects during selection so if you wanted to capture a message box, it will auto select the message box if that is not the desired area simply move the cursor. The scrolling feature is also a nice addition compared to other software sampled. While capturing a region, often there is a scrolling section that is needed. For example, a webpage or email window, may need to be captured. With the scrolling feature, when selected, the Snagit tool will automatically scroll and capture the entire region for you. To take all of this image capturing and editing a step further, once the image have been captures, you have the option to resize the capture prior to moving the file to the Snagit editor. This saves time if you are like me and just miss the starting point of the picture. Now, instead of restarting, I am able to finish the capture and adjust my starting lines. The highlight of version 1. With the built in tools, you can remove sections of videos in seconds. After the capture, simply move the markers on the timeline to the desired ends of the section to remove and click cut. It is that simple, and now the section which did not belong has been removed. This is great for Vloggers, video casters, or editing of any video in general. Tech. Smith nailed this one and has put themselves way ahead of the pack when it comes to inexpensive all in one packages. Since receiving a copy of this software I have been able to complete editing, callouts, special effects both canned and custom for my blog and other sites. Plus, with Snagits comprehensive library organizer, labeling and sorting for my blog has been much easier. When it comes to time I do not have much free time left and this tools easy to use GUI has made it much easier for project completion. The software is designed for both advanced and novice users and is a must have for anyone who captures video, or images. Licensing Check In Progress Tableau De Conversion. Techsmiths Snagit has also become the official tool for The Business Dudes blog www. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Pros. Who cares at this point Cons. I was in the middle of a bunch of important activities using chrome and the snagit install decided to just take matters in its own hands and shut everything down without asking permission. What Did Microsoft buy themSummary. Not trustworthy. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful 1. Prosgood basic program but.