Application Meta. Doctor Web. OS Internals. No Home Directory On New Cygwin Installation Problems' title='No Home Directory On New Cygwin Installation Problems' />This page is currently available in four languages. Application Meta. SSH server for Windows based on OpenSSH Download Home Edition. Accuracy. AutoDock Vina significantly improves the average accuracy of the binding mode predictions compared to AutoDock 4, judging by our tests on the training set. Compiler system uses GCC to produce Windows programs. Win32 ports of GCC, GDB, binutils to build native Win32 programs that rely on no 3rd party DLLs. Website also. Installing and Updating Cygwin Packages Installing and Updating Cygwin for 64bit versions of Windows. Run setupx8664. exe any time you want to update or install a. Doctor. Application Meta. Doctor FRApplication Meta. Doctor DEApplication Meta. Doctor ESWhat is the Meta Doctor The Webos Internals Meta Doctor is a Makefile which can modify a copy of the Palm web. OS Doctor before it is flashed onto a web. What is the Meta Doctor The Webos Internals Meta Doctor is a Makefile which can modify a copy of the Palm webOS Doctor before it is flashed onto a webOS device. If you are looking for information about older systems, such as Windows XP, 2003, 98 or Apache 1. Legacy Info section. The Official releases of PHP on. I just installed Cygwin, and it looks like the home directory in the bash prompt is on my Z drive. Thats not where I want it. How can I change this 1. History of GRUB. GRUB originated in 1995 when Erich Boleyn was trying to boot the GNU Hurd with the University of Utahs Mach 4 microkernel now known as GNU Mach. OS device. It accomplishes this by reaching into Palms distributed Doctor JAR file and making changes to it. Documentation for the features that the Meta. Doctor offers is in the README file. Step 1 Setting up Meta Doctor. Windows. NOTE THAT USING CYGWIN ON WINDOWS IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED AND WILL MAKE YOUR PHONE FAIL TO BOOTWindows users can use the meta doctor without harming your current installation of windows using simple Ubuntu installer called WUBI. Also no need for moding any partitions or installing any boot loaders. It will just appear as program in your installed software list and when you do not want it anymore simply uninstall it while in windows through Control Panel. No Home Directory On New Cygwin Installation IssuesIt is easy and there is no virtual machine headaches of trying to configure USB, Network and File sharing with host computer. To access it you just reboot and choose Ubuntu from dual boot screen. Download Ubuntu 1. Ubuntu Desktop Edition, not the Windows Installer Burn that file to a cd or mount to virtual drive Run cd in windows the wubi. Dont boot your machine with the CD called as using the Live. CD, as this option wont give you enough space for the Meta. HljHxiyA/Utbgtw9Gf2I/AAAAAAAAAII/kFuiQG2ROIM/s1600/2.png' alt='No Home Directory On New Cygwin Installation Freezes' title='No Home Directory On New Cygwin Installation Freezes' />Doctor process to complete. Click on Install Inside windows. This will install Ubuntu while running Windows without the need of making a partition. I would recomand making the install image the full recommended 3. Ubuntu OS, otherwise the minimum recommended by Wubi should be just fine. Restart your computer and you can dual boot to Windows or Ubuntu The nice thing about this is that it will allow you to uninstall Ubuntu right from Windows as if it was never there and remove the dual boot, not to mention the fact you do not need to partition your drive. If you are still wondering what Wubi is, the following link should explain it to you better. Wubi Guide. Once you have installed WUBI, you should follow the instructions in the Linux section below. Linux Open terminal from the Applications Accessories menu. Update your package lists and install git and Java runtime the Canonical Partner Repository is needed to install the Sun Java JRE because it was moved out of the Multiverse in Ubuntu 1. Type sudo apt get install python software propertiessudo add apt repository ppa ferramrobertojavasudo apt get updatesudo apt get install gitsudo apt get install sun java. To accept the Java License Page, press tab until OK is highlighted, then press enter If the java install fails, look for support on the Java website here. If you receive an error about git, repeat the command using git core instead. Download and install the Palm Novacom software 3. If you have trouble installing, you can find more information here. Make sure you are not running as root, and navigate to your home directory. Download the meta doctor scripts using git. Type git clone git github. Navigate to the meta doctor directory. Create a downloads directory. Type mkdir downloads. Mac OS X 1. 0. 6. Install Mac. Ports first, which will allow us to easily install the necessary packages for Meta. Doctor. 1. Please note that Mac. Ports requires Apples Xcode Developer Tools version 3. Snow Leopard, 3. 1. Leopard, or 2. 5 for Tiger, found at the Apple Developer Connection site, on your Mac OS X installation CDsDVD, or in the App Store. Install md. 5sum sudo port install md. Install git sudo port install git core Make sure you are not running as root, and navigate to your home directory. Now type the following command to get your local copy of the meta doctor script git clone git github. Install patch sudo port install gpatch. If you do not have Java installed, do so. To install Java, click on the Apple icon and select Software Update. This will automatically update you to the latest version of Java if necessary, as Apple supplies their own version of Java. Further instructions can be found here. Download and install the Palm Novacom software from http developer. The Mac OS X SDK is located here. Ms Word Update Fields On Open New Record more. Open a terminal and navigate to the meta doctor directory where the meta doctor was copied to in step 5 above. Ensure that there is a downloads directory. If there is not one, create one using mkdir downloads. Step 2 Running the web. OS Doctor. Note that if you are following a procedure on another wiki page which only requires the installation of the Meta. Doctor and then tells you to return to that other page, then this is the place at which you should return. If you intend to enable WIFI Profiles, you must copy a file off of the phone before doctoring. See the section below on enabling wifi profiles. Navigate to the meta doctor directory in the terminal Download the latest webosdoctor file using the download paths found at Webos Doctor Versions. Note if you receive an error message when running the make file, e. Please download the correct version of the web. OS Doctor. jar file and then move it to downloadswebosdoctorp. The wr version is the French,German,Irish,Spanish and UK GSM version. An example e. g. Web OS as of 1. If you would like Meta Doctor to apply patches to web. OS in order to add or change functionality from the factory install, open the Makefile with your favorite text editor and uncomment remove the leading characters from the options you would like to use. For example, if you plan to install Ubuntu, now is the time to uncomment the EXT3. FSPARTITIONSIZE option in the Makefile and edit it per these instructions. Before doing the next step, make sure you change back into the meta doctor directory first. All the following commands must be run from the meta doctor directory. Type one of the following. DEVICEpre CARRIERwr allmake DEVICEpreplus CARRIERwr allmake DEVICEpixiplus CARRIERwr allmake DEVICEpre CARRIERsprint allmake DEVICEpixi CARRIERsprint allmake DEVICEpre CARRIERbellmo allmake DEVICEpre CARRIERtelcel allmake DEVICEpreplus CARRIERverizonwireless allmake DEVICEpixiplus CARRIERverizonwireless allmake DEVICEpreplus CARRIERatt allmake DEVICEpixiplus CARRIERatt allmake DEVICEtouchpad CARRIERwifi all depending on the carrier in question. Note use make DEVICEpalmsmartphonetype CARRIERwr all for O2 Germany, UK and Ireland Movistar Spain SFR France. This should begin a process within the terminal that should take 1. Error conditions. If you receive an error message when running the make file, e. Please download the correct version of the web. OS Doctor. jar file and then move it to downloadswebosdoctorp. If the build fails. If the make command fails, you can use make clobber to clean up the build directory. After this you can re run the command. Running the patched web. OS Doctor. The updated doctor version has the same name as the original, but is in a new folder meta doctorbuildlt nameandversion webosdoctorp. If you are running in Ubuntu or Cygwin, you can just run the new jar file now. If you are running Ubuntu using VM, you will need to copy the new jar out of the VM into your live desktop to run the jar in your native OS. CD to the folder where your new jar file is, and type something like.