This bullet guide is for the round trunnion 7. Saiga rifles. Installation of this guide allows your rifle to accept and feed high capacity AK magazines. The rifle ships with a flattop Picatinny style rail with an adjustable removable dual aperture rear, and adjustable A2 post front sights. Removing the factory. PVC Elbow. 2 pieces of 1 wood, length is your call depending on what height you wish to make your targets and what will fit in your car. Cut your PVC pipe into 1. We chose 1. 6 so the width of the unit was appropriate for silhouette targets. Also by making them equal it wont matter which piece you use where. Also keep in mind precision is not the end all in this project. For this project you can use a hacksaw. But a table top miter saw it will make your life quite a bit easier. Youll have less build time and no sore arms. Put the pieces together like the following photo. The place to buy, sell or trade AKs, ammunition, and accessories. The Bazaar of The Files Everything you need to install a free float quad rail or keymod handguard on your DPMS LR308 or compatible rifle. Full article StepbyStep AR15 Free Float Quad. Install Quad Rail Saiga 12' title='Install Quad Rail Saiga 12' />If you sucked at legos as a kid feel free to consult a neighbor or friend. Not us, we may make fun of you. All Done GET SHOOTING Badly Written By Rick, Edited and made coherent by Andy. Comments comments.