Updated on 14 November 2017. ESXi 6. 5 ISO Build 4564106. Center Server 6. 5 ISO Build 4602587. Center Server Appliance 6. NOV. This tutorial will cover some initial configurations you need to perform on a fresh installed FreeBSD and some basics on how to manage FreeBSD from commandline. Standard Modules. Christian Song Free Download Tamil Video. The following modules are included as standard with release 1. Webmin. You can also download and reinstall any modules from this page that. In order to update Free. BSD, open a console in the system with root privileges and issue the following commands. Update Free. BSD System. To update Ports package manager and installed software run the below command. Update Free. BSD Packages. Upgrade Free. BSD Packages. Install Editors and Bash. In order to ease the job managing the system from command line you should install the following packages Nano text editor ee is the default text editor in Free. BSD. Bourne Again Shell if you want to make the transition from Linux to Free. BSD more smooth. Bash Completion needed to autocomplete commands typed in console using the tab key. All the presented utilities can be installed by issuing the below command. Install Editors and Bash on Free. BSD3. Secure SSH on Free. BSDBy default, Free. BSD SSH service wont allow the root account to perform remote logins automatically. Although, disallowing remote root logins via SSH measure is mainly designed to secure the service and your system, there are cases where sometimes you need to authenticate via SSH with root. To change this behavior, open SSH main configuration file and update the line Permit. Root. Login from no to yes as illustrated in the below screenshot. File excerpt Permit. Root. Login yes. Secure SSH on Free. BSDAfterwards, restart SSH daemon to apply changes. To test the configuration you can login from Putty Terminal or from remote Linux maching using the following syntax. Free. BSD Server IP. Free. BSD SSH Passwordless Login. To generate a new SSH key issue the following command. You can copy the public to another server instance and securely login to the remote server without a password. RSA. Generate SSH Key on Free. BSDFree. BSD SSH Passwordless Login. Install and Configure Sudo on Free. BSDSudo is a software which is designed to allow a common user to execute commands with the security privileges of the superuser account. Sudo utility is not installed by default in Free. BSD. To install sudo in Free. BSD run the following command. Install Sudo on Free. BSDIn order to allow a regular system account to run command with root privileges, open sudoers configuration file, located in usrlocaletc directory, for editing by executing visudo command. Navigate through the content of the file and add the following line, normally after the root line youruserALLALL ALL. Enable Sudo Access on User. Always use visudo command in order to edit sudoers file. Visudo utility contains build in capabilities to detect any error while editing this file. Afterwards, save the file by pressing wq Sudo User Login. Another method that can be used in order to allow a regular account with root powers, would be to add the regular user to system group called wheel and uncomment the wheel group from sudoers file by removing the sign at the beginning of the line. M youruser. Add the following line to usrlocaletcsudoers file. ALLALLALLALL. Allow Sudo Access on User. Managing Users on Free. BSDThe process of adding a new user is pretty straightforward. Just run adduser command and follow the interactive prompt in order to finalize the process. In order to modify the personal information of a user account, run the chpass command against a username and update the file. Save the file opened with vi editor by pressing wq Change User Info on Free. BSDTo update a user password, run passwd command. To change an account default shell, first list all present shells in your system and then execute chsh command as illustrated below. List user environment variables. List Free. BSD Shells. Change Free. BSD Shell. Configure Free. BSD Static IPRegular Free. BSD permanent network settings can be manipulated by editing etcrc. In order to configure a network interface with static IP address on Free. BSD. First run ifconfig a command to display a list of all NICs and identify the name of the interface you want to edit. Then, manually edit etcrc. DHCP line and add your NICs IP settings as illustrated below. DHCP. ifconfigem. Default Gateway. defaultrouter1. Set Free. BSD Static IP Address. To apply the new network settings issue the following commands. Configure Free. BSD DNS Network. DNS nameserver resolvers can be manipulated via editing etcresolv. DNSserverIP. nameserver yoursecondDNSserverIP. Set DNS in Free. BSDTo change your machine name update the hostname variable from etcrc. To add multiple IP address for a network interface on Free. BSD add the below line in etcrc. Multiple IP Addresses on Free. BSDAfterwards, restart the network service to reflect changes. Manage Free. BSD Services. Services can be managed in Free. BSD via service command. To list all system wide enabled services issue the following command. List Free. BSD Services. To list all services scripts located in etcrc. List Free. BSD Service Scripts. To enable or disable a Free. BSD daemon during boot initialization process, use sysrc command. Assuming that you want to enable SSH service, open etcrc. YES. Or use sysrc command which does the same thing. YES. Enable and Disable Service on Free. BSDTo disable a service system wide, append the NO flag for the disabled daemon as presented below. The daemons flags are case insensitive. Disable Service in Free. BSDIs worth mentioning that some services on Free. BSD require special attention. For example, if you want to only disable Syslog daemon network socket, issue the following command. Restart Syslog service to apply changes. Disable Syslog on Free. BSDTo completely disable Sendmail service at system startup, execute the following commands or add them to etcrc. NO. sysrc sendmailsubmintenableNO. NO. sysrc sendmailmspqueueenableNO. List Network Sockets. In order to display a list of open ports in Free. BSD use the sockstat command. List all IPv. 4 network sockets on Free. BSD. sockstat 4. List Ipv. Ports on Free. BSDDisplay all IPv. Free. BSD. sockstat 6. List Ipv. 6 Ports on Free. BSDYou can combine the two flags to display all network sockets as illustrated in the below screenshot. List Free. BSD Open Ports. List all connected sockets on Free. BSD. sockstat c. List Connected Sockets on Free. BSDDisplay all network sockets in listening state and Unix domain sockets. List Listening Sockets on Free. BSDOther than sockstat utility, you can run netstat or lsof command to display system and network sockets as well. Free. BSD by default. To install it from Free. BSD ports repositories issue the following command. To display all IPv. IPv. 6 network sockets with lsof command, append the following flags.