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Support Vector Regression with R Jose November 8, 2014 at 1235 pm. Good stuff. How would this behave if for example, I wanted to predict some. How To Install E1071 In Re' title='How To Install E1071 In Re' />Filter. Gta Iv Cracked Multiplayer Pc Fighting. GSEAImproved False Positive Control of Gene Permuting GSEA with Absolute Filtering GSEAAb. Sim. Time Resolved Simulations of Antibody Repertoiresabundant. High Dimensional Principal Fitted Components and Abundant RegressionACAAbrupt Change Point or Aberration Detection in Point Seriesacc. Exploring Accelerometer Dataaccelerometry. Functions for Processing Minute to Minute Accelerometer Dataaccelmissing. Missing Value Imputation for Accelerometer DataAcceptance. Sampling. Creation and Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling PlansACCLMAACC LMA Graph Plotting. ACCLMAaccrual. Bayesian Accrual Predictionaccrued. Data Quality Visualization Tools for Partially Accruing Dataacc. 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E 3 TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT Pdf Download. D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT MPVDCONTV1. E 3 Ka a a w s k Kawasaki Robotics USA, Inc. Wixom, Michigan 4. The descriptions and specifications in this manual were in effect when it was submitted for publishing. Kawasaki Robotics USA, Inc. D SERIES CONTROLLER Ka a a w s k TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT REVISION HISTORY l a i. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING. Error Recovery. Preliminary Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting Common Failures. Controller Power Cannot Be Set to ON. Teach Pendant Is Inoperable. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. TROUBLESHOOTING This unit provides error recovery flowcharts, error code information, and error code troubleshooting flow charts. In addition, typical causes and remedies for the errors are also provided. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING Locate error on the error Source of error known Troubleshoot table and determine the Run Program and correct characteristics and possible and continue source of causes of the error to monitor error Source of error unknown. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING Continued from previous pg Error still present Remove the 1. KA board from the rack and allow RAM memory to deplete Reinstall Error clears and robot Run program 1. KA board, runs normally and continue. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. PRELIMINARY TROUBLESHOOTING Prior to following error code troubleshooting procedures, ensure preliminary trouble shooting steps are completed. Ensure proper 4. 60 VAC three phase power is available at the input and output side of the controller main disconnect circuit breaker F1. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. CONTROLLER POWER CANNOT BE SET TO ON This failure occurs when the controller does not power up when the controller main disconnect is set to ON. Failure 1 When the controller main disconnect is set to ON, circuit breaker F1 is tripped immediately. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING Ensure primary power supply is within specifications. Ensure primary power supply cable is properly connected and is not damaged. Ensure connectors at the 1. KQ1. NR board are properly installed and not damaged. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. TEACH PENDANT IS INOPERABLE The teach pendant is in operable with the controller main disconnect set to ON and the control power lamp is illuminated. Failure 1 The control power lamp is illuminated and the teach pendant is inoperable the back light is not illuminated. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. KX1. NX Mother Board Display Device Input Keys 1. KA Main CPU Board Teach Pendant Figure 1 3 1. KATeach Pendant Communication Main causes include Interruption in data communication between the teach pendant and the 1. KA board. Defective LCD panel, circuit board, or other internal teach pendant components. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. MOTOR POWER CANNOT BE ENABLED This condition exists when motor power does not engage when the MOTOR POWER switch is pressed. Main causes include An error condition exists. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. ROBOT DOES NOT MOVE This condition exists when the robot does not move when conditions are set for teach or repeat mode. Main causes include External hold condition exists. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. ERROR CODES This unit provides information about the error codes that are displayed on the teach pendant or other user interfaces that provide display screen information. The error codes are listed in numerical order by prefix and code number with the message that is displayed on the teach pendant. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. ERROR DISPLAY Error messages are displayed on the teach pendant LCD screen andor a PC interfaced with the controller using KRtermKCWIN3. The teach pendant LCD screen displays operation errors P errors in the system mes sage area and other error messages are shown in a pop up screen display Figure 1 4. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING 1. DXXXX FATAL ERROR CODES ERROR CODE D0. CPU Error. PCXX The 1. KA board CPU has stopped detected by the AS software. This error is caused by defective AS or servo software, defective hardware, or noise related malfunction. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D0. VME BUS error. PCXX This error occurs when the CPU does not receive a response from one of the IO bus devices within a specific time. This error is caused by defective AS software, defective 1. KA board, or noise related malfunction. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D0. ARM CONTROL BOARD CPU BUS error. PCXX On the 1. KB board, a bus error occurs in the VME bus line, detected by AS software data processing is not completed normally. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D0. AS Flash memory sum check error. A check sum error occurrs in AS software, in flash memory on the 1. KA board, when the controller is powered up. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D0. Memory is locked due to ACFAIL. The memory is accessed during the controller shut down due to a power supply abnor mality ACFAIL AVR 5 V, 1. V, 1. 2 V, 2. 4 V. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D1. Init. error of servo software. Servo software armsc. Main causes include 1. Servo software is not installed correctly or is corrupt. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D1. ARM CTRL BOARD watch dog error of servo control software. The watch dog circuit on the 1. KA board or 1. KB board has detected a software problem. This is caused by a defective 1. KA main CPU board or 1. KB servo CPU board or a prob lem with the servo software. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D1. AMP power unit error. General servo system error. This error indicates that a servo system error has occurred. Refer to any other servo system errors which occurred at the same time. When a servo error signal SVER is sent from the 1. KB board servo CPU board to the 1. KP board power sequence board motor power is shut down. Ka a a w s k D SERIES CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COMPONENT REPLACEMENT TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODE D1. Regenerative time over XX. This error occurs when current is sent to regenerative resistors for six or more consecu tive seconds.