Windows Installer Error Codes Exit Codes Cloudy Windows. For each error message you find in your log file, substitute the data values in the log message for the placeholders in the message listed below. The error Error 1 1. Error 1. 10. 1 Could not open file stream c test. System Error 2. Code. Message. 11. Could not open file stream 2. System error 31. This error code only occurs when using Windows Installer version 2. Windows XP or later. If Windows Installer determines a product may be incompatible with the current operating system, it displays a dialog informing the user and asking whether to try to install anyway. This error code is returned if the user chooses not to try the installation. Cannot create the file 2. A directory with this name already exists. Please insert the disk 21. The Installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory 2. How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' title='How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' />Error Writing to File 21. Error Reading from File 2 System error code 31. The file 2 is in use. If you can, please close the application that is using the file, then click Retry. There is not enough disk space remaining to install this file 2. If you can, free up some disk space, and click Retry, or click Cancel to exit. Source file not found 21. How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' title='How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' />Error attempting to open the source file 3. System error code 21. Error attempting to create the destination file 3. System error code 21. Could not locate source file cabinet 2. Cannot create the directory 2. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, or click Cancel to exit. Have you tried to install a program in Windows 7 that uses an MSI file as its installer and instead you saw the above error Never fear. There is an easy solution and. The volume 2 is currently unavailable. Please select another. The specified path 2 is unavailable. Unable to write to the specified folder 2. A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file 21. An error occurred while attempting to create the directory 21. A network error occurred while attempting to create the directory 21. A network error occurred while attempting to open the source file cabinet 2. The specified path is too long 21. The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file 2. A portion of the folder path 2 is invalid. Install cURL and libcurl in a single click with this free Windows installer. Includes a readytouse SSL certificate bundle, dependencies, and documentation. As part of Windows 10s November update, Microsoft changed the Windows 10 installer disc to also accept Windows 7 or 8. This allowed users to perform a clean. Download Windows Essentials 2012 full offline installers for Windows 10 before Microsoft discontinues and removes them. Get help and howto info for Windows Essentialsincluding Windows Live Mail, Movie Maker, and more. How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' title='How To Get Windows Installer For Windows 7' />It is either empty or exceeds the length allowed by the system. The folder path 2 contains words that are not valid in folder paths. The folder path 2 contains an invalid character. Error getting file security 3 Get. Last. Error 21. Invalid Drive 21. Error applying patch to file 2. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. For more information contact your patch vendor. System Error 31. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt. Error 3 was returned by Win. Verify. Trust. 1. Failed to correctly copy 2 file CRC error. Failed to correctly move 2 file CRC error. Failed to correctly patch 2 file CRC error. The file 2 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 3. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD ROM, or a problem with this package. The cabinet file 2 required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD ROM, or a problem with this package. There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation. Folder 3. System error code 21. Could not create key 2. System error 3. Could not open key 2. System error 3. Could not delete value 2 from key 3. System error 4. Could not delete key 2. System error 3. Could not read value 2 from key 3. System error 4. Could not write value 2 to key 3. System error 4. Could not get value names for key 2. System error 3. Could not get sub key names for key 2. System error 3. Could not read security information for key 2. System error 3. Could not increase the available registry space. KB of free registry space is required for the installation of this application. Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one. Error accessing secured data. Please make sure the Windows Installer is configured properly and try the install again. User 2 has previously initiated an install for product 3. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product. Your current install will now continue. User 2 has previously initiated an install for product 3. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product. The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows Installer service is properly registered. Out of disk space Volume 2 required space 3 KB available space 4 KB1. User cancelled installation. Are you sure you want to cancelFatal error during installation. The file 23 is being held in use by the following process Name 4, Id 5, Window Title 6. Installation suspended, incomplete. The product 2 is already installed, and has prevented the installation of this product. This action is only valid for products that are currently installed. Out of disk space Volume 2 required space 3 KB available space 4 KB. If rollback is disabled, enough space is available. Click Cancel to quit, Retry to check available disk space again, or Ignore to continue without rollback. Feature ID not registered. Could not access location 2. Component ID not registered. The following applications should be closed before continuing the install 1. Unknown property. Could not find any previously installed compliant products on the machine for installing this product. An error occurred while applying security settings. This could be a problem with the package, or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install. Unable to locate the users SID, system error 31. The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel. Component qualifier not present. The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it. This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service. Product is uninstalled. SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported. Record field does not exist. Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install. This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel. Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable. This language of this installation package is not supported by your system. Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid. Windows Installer Redistributables WindowsThe Windows Installer redistributable is a software update package. See the section. Released Versions of Windows Installer. Windows Installer. The redistributable update package for a. Windows Installer. The Windows Installer 5. Windows Server 2. Windows 8, Windows Server 2. R2, and Windows 7. There is no redistributable for Windows Installer 5. Obtaining the Windows Installer Redistributable. You can find all the available Windows Installer redistributables at the. Microsoft Download Center. The download for the Windows Installer 4. Link. ID1. 01. 15. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Windows Vista, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 SP1, and Windows Server 2. Windows. 6. 0 KB9. MSU. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Windows Vista, Windows Vista with SP1, and Windows Server 2. Windows. 6. 0 KB9. MSU. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Itanium Based Systems computers running Windows Vista, Windows Vista with SP1, and Windows Server 2. Windows. 6. 0 KB9. MSU. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Windows XP with Service Pack 2 SP2 and Windows XP with Service Pack 3 SP3 is Windows. XP KB9. 42. 28. 8 v. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Windows Server 2. Service Pack 1 SP1 and Windows Server 2. Service Pack 2 SP2 is Windows. Server. 20. 03 KB9. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Windows Server 2. Serial Number For Mixcraft 7 Code. SP1 and Windows Server 2. SP2 is Windows. Server. KB9. 42. 28. 8 v. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. Itanium Based Systems computers running Windows Server 2. SP1 and Windows Server 2. SP2 is Windows. Server. KB9. 42. 28. 8 v. There is no redistributable that installs Windows Installer 4. This version of the. Windows Installer ships with Windows Vista. The name of the redistributable that installs Windows Installer 3. Windows. Installer KB8. The download for the. Windows Installer 3. Redistributable v. Family. ID8. 89. The redistributable that installs Windows Installer 3. Windows. Installer KB8. The download for the. Windows Installer 3. Redistributable. is available at. Family. ID5fbc. 54. The Windows Installer 2. Instmsi. exe. The redistributable for installing or upgrading. Windows Installer 2. Windows 2. 00. 0 should not be used to install or. Windows Installer 2. Windows Server 2. Windows XP. The download for the. Windows Installer 2. Redistributable for Windows NT 4. Windows 2. 00. 0. Family. ID4b. 61. Installing the Windows Installer Redistributable. The Windows Installer 4. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2. Windows Update Stand alone Installer Wusa. The Windows Installer 4. Windows XP and Windows Server 2. The Windows Installer 3. Windows Installer 3. Syntax. Use the following syntax to install the redistributables for Windows. Installer 4. 5 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2. Name of the Redistributable lt options Command Line Options. The Windows Installer redistributable software update packages use the following case insensitive command line. Option. Descriptionnorestart. Prevents the redistributable package from asking the user to reboot even if it had to replace files that. If the update package is invoked with this option, it returns ERRORSUCCESSREBOOTREQUIRED if it had to. If it did not have to replace files that were in use, it returns ERRORSUCCESS. See the remarks section for. For use by applications that redistribute the Windows Installer as part of a bootstrapping application. A user interface UI is not presented to the user. The bootstrapping application should check the return. Windows Installer. Displays help on all the available options. Delayed Restart on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2. The norestart command line option prevents wusa. However, if a file being updated by the MSU package is in use, then the package is not applied to the computer until the user restarts the computer. This means that applications that use the Windows Installer 4. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2. Windows Installer 4. Delayed Restart on Windows XP and Windows Server 2. It is recommended that the Windows Installer service be stopped when using the update package. When the package. UI mode it detects if the Windows Installer service is running and requests the user to stop the. If the user continues without stopping the service, the update replaces Windows Installer. Bootstrapping applications that use the. Windows Installer with another application can require an extra system. The delayed reboot option is only recommended. Developers should do the following in their setup application to use the delayed reboot option. Call the redistributable package with the norestart command line option. Treat the return of either ERRORSUCCESS or ERRORSUCCESSREBOOTREQUIRED as meaning success. Invoke Msiexec on the applications package and run other setup code specific to the application. If the. setup application uses Msi. Install. Product, then. MSI. DLL from the system directory. If no reboot occurs and if the redistributable. ERRORSUCCESSREBOOTREQUIRED, then prompt the user for a reboot to complete the setup of the Windows. Installer binaries. If a reboot occurs, no additional steps are required. Note Applications that call Load. Library on the new. MSI. DLL after the redistributable package returns success must ensure that an older version of MSI. DLL has not. already been loaded within the process. If an older version of MSI. DLL was loaded, it must be unloaded from the. Load. Library for. MSI. DLL. For more information, see. Windows Installer Bootstrapping.