Ubuntu Wikipedia. Ubuntu6bntu oo BOON too7Debian GNULinux OS Linux1UbuntuOS Ubuntu8 UbuntuLinuxOSLinux1. GNOME9sudo1. Ubuntusudo aptget installE Unable to locate package. Keras is a powerful easytouse Python library for developing and evaluating deep learning models. It wraps the efficient numerical computation libraries Theano and. Licenses. All Python releases are Open Source. Historically, most, but not all, Python releases have also been GPLcompatible. The Licenses page details GPL. Ubuntu1. UbiquityLive CDUbuntu5. UTF 8Ubuntu Shotwell Libre. Office Mozilla FirefoxEmpathyUbuntuLightUbuntuDalton Maag Ltd. Ubuntu Font Family9. Karmic Koala Andy FitzsimonUbuntu Title1. Lucid LynxUbuntu Font FamilyUbuntu2. Ubuntu for Android Ubuntu Touch Ubuntu EdgeOSUbuntu. DashGNOME 2 GNOME GNOME 3UbuntuUnityUbuntu 1. UnityGNOMEUnity Dock GNOMEUbuntu1Dash Ubuntu 1. GNOME1. Unity 2. DUnity 2. D CompizUnityUnity 2. DQtUnityMetacityCompizKWinUnity 2. D 1. 1. 0. 41. GNOMEUnity 3. D 1. Open. GLUnity 3. 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Charm is one of the most popular Python IDEs and deservedly so. Its packed with features such as incredible code completion, code analysis, code navigation, top notch Django, Java. Script, HTML, and CSS support, great debugger, and much more. I wrote extensively about it before, so I wont be a bore and repeat it here. The TL DR is Py. Charm is a great Python IDE and you should definitely check it out. Py. Charm main shortcomings is that it can be slow and its UI looks non native in most platforms. In all fairness, Py. Charm has come a long way in terms of UI and font rendering. The following is a screenshot of Py. Charm, Text. Mate, and Emacs, respectively. I think Py. Charm compares positively with Text. Mate Sometimes Py. Charm does feel slow, but its improving in each version. The current version feels much faster than the first version. In fact, its a no brainer if you consider that Py. Charm gives you top notch completion, code analysis and code navigation. As a comparison, Emacs starts much faster in my computer, but completion with ropemacs is way slower and less accurate than Py. Charms. Py. Charm has great support and bugs are fixed regularly. It has good documentation, although I wish the on line documentation had a more modern look with shallower structure. For example, the subsection Version Control with Py. Charm is subdivided in eight subsections that are small enough to fit in one larger and easily scrollable page. Also, it would be nice to have the documentation as a PDF file. Wing. IDEWing. IDE is a solid IDE from Wingware that has been in development since 1. It has many advanced features such as a first rate debugger, code intelligence, and it can be extended in Python. Wing. IDEs debugger is super powerful and allows you to set breakpoints, step through code, inspect data, debug remotely, and debug Django templates. It has support for matplotlib where the plots are updated automatically. For web development, Wing. IDE supports Django, Plone, Pyramid, Google App Engine and many others. My main criticism is that the GUI, although responsive, is unattractive, old fashioned, and quirky. For instance, you cant just open an existing directory like you can with Py. Charm or Text. Mate you need to create a new project ProjectNew Project. But Wing. IDE doesnt ask for the projects name. The project will receive a default name and you can rename it if you want ProjectSave Project. Now you can add files or an existing directory ProjectAdd Existing Directory. And when you add a directory, its added to the Project pane folded that is, the files and subdirectories are hidden by default I hate being persnickety, but the first time I imported a Django project I was staring at the screen wondering what went wrong since nothing happened. After a while a noticed the small change in the left corner. In general you cant discover much from the UI. Theres no explicit support for Virtualenv we need to select the Python binary in ProjectProject Properties. This is not a big deal, but if we need to set a Django Settings module we need to type it in a text box, instead of just selecting the file directly with a file dialog. And, as we all know, its easy to make mistakes when typing. For example, in the following screenshot the value for DJANGOSETTINGSMODULE is wrong. After trying to run the code I realized that it should be DJANGOSITENAME. We can see the lack of discoverability in setting custom hotkeys as well. In order to re bind a command we need to check the list of commands in the manual and type it in the text box it has completion. Again, its not a huge deal, but its nice when you can accomplish things without leaving the IDE. Hopefully, Wingware is aware no pun intended of these shortcomings and seems to be working to fix them not needing X1. Mac is a step on the right direction. If you are trying Wing. IDE, my advice is to stick to it for a while. They UI may seen a little off at first, but it has many useful and powerful features underneath and a great support for web and scientific programming. Py. Dev. Py. Dev is a Python IDE for Eclipse with Django support, code completion, code analysis, navigation, remote debugging, interactive console and much more. You can install it as a plugin for Eclipse or by installing Li. Clipse, an advanced Eclipse distribution. Eclipse seems to be one of those things that people either love or hate. It has good ideas and even Emacs creator Richard Stallman was impressed by it. However, sometimes things in Eclipse are unnecessarily complicated. For instance, the way it imports code in a project is just moronic. I find that I need to search or look up the documentation to accomplish even the simplest task such as changing the text font. This is not Py. Devs fault and, if anything, Py. Dev maintainer Fabio Zadrozny deserves big kudos for making it bearable to work with Python in Eclipse. Li. Clipse adds support not only for Python, but for related languages such as Coffe. Script, Java. Script, Django Templates, and much more. My main criticism is that it needs more and better documentation. If you are already sold or stuck on the Eclipse platform, Py. Dev is for you. If you want to try it out but has never used Eclipse before, I suggest you get a book to get acquainted with the Eclipse way of doing things. Komodo IDEKomodo is an IDE for dynamic languages such as Python, PHP and Ruby. The new version has many improvements such as code refactoring, multiple selections, better UI interface, open fast dialog, and much more. Komodo IDE is pleasant and its configurations are easy to find and change. I like the editor and font rendering. Although the new version claims to have better OS X support, it doesnt support the cocoa textbox shortcuts by default such as Control A and Control E. It doesnt have direct support for Virtualenv, but you can pick the Python interpreter in ProjectProperties. It has some support for Django, such as syntax highlighting and code completion for templates. Although I couldnt get it to work properly. Other people seem to be having problems with completion as well. Its a good IDE if you deal with multiple languages and dont do much web programming. Otherwise I think Py. Charm, Wing. IDE, and Py. Dev are way ahead for a more reasonable price. Eric. Eric is an open source IDE for Python and Ruby with the ugliest mascot I have ever seen. It scares the bejesus out of me It toke me a while to install it as it has zero installation instructions. I tried to install Eric 5 for Python 3 but after failing I decided to install Eric 4 for Python 2 instead. I followed this receipt as a guide. I installed the dependencies with homebrew and ran the install. PYTHONPATHusrlocallibpython. PYTHONPATH. sudo python install. Eric has a nice collection of features such as Python and Ruby debugger, code coverage, automatic code checking, Python and Ruby shell, class browser, and others. And it has features for collaborative editing thanks to jgmitzen for pointing that out. Eclipse Mac Os X Install Python3© 2017