Drivers For Compaq Presario C700 Hard' title='Drivers For Compaq Presario C700 Hard' />Got a Bluestacks installation error We have the fix for it, simply track your error and see the solution for your PCs or phones Bluestacks installation. Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do. Find and contact HP Customer Support, download drivers, manuals and troubleshooting information for HP products, including pcs, laptops, desktops, printers, tablets. The laptop appears to be dead. You plug the AC adapter but the LEDs power light, hard drive light, battery charge light, etc do not light up and the laptop will. A laptop screen also known as LCD screen displays an image generated by the laptop video card. The LCD screen receives data signal from the video card through the LCD. I had a HP Presario CQ50 need to replace a screen. The screws are so hard to reach. Thank you for this tutorial. I quickly found the three keyboard screws and 4. Download the latest drivers for your HP EliteBook 8460p to keep your Computer uptodate. Battery charging problems Laptop Repair 1. In this post I explain how to troubleshoot battery charging problems. Download Naruto Ova 8 Sub Indo W. I will discuss most common failure examples and suggest some troubleshooting steps. Example 1. Laptop shuts off when AC adapter unplugged. When you move the cursor arrow over the battery icon while the laptop is connected to AC adapter, it show the remaining charge and says charging. Google is compensated by these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates. In this post I explain how to troubleshoot battery charging problems. I will discuss most common failure examples and suggest. Have you come to this webpage looking for Toshiba laptop service manuals Please read this. Introduction. In the same vein as in my driver guide, Ive started. The power meter utility if available also shows that battery is connected and charging. But as soon as you unplug the AC adapter, the laptop shuts off completely. Possible problems 1. The battery not seated correctly. Try reconnecting it. The battery contacts got dirty or oxidized and its not making good connection with the motherboard. Apply some electronic contact cleaner on the contacts. If reconnecting the battery doesnt help, most likely its bad and has to be replaced. If you replaced the battery but the problem still exists, this is motherboard related failure. Apparently the charging circuit on the motherboard failed. In this case the whole motherboard has to be replaced or repaired on the component level. Example 2. The battery not detected by the laptop. There is a red cross on the battery icon. If you move the cursor arrow over the battery icon, it says no battery detected. Possible problems 1. Most likely the battery is bad. You have a very good chance to fix this problem by replacing it with a new one. If replacing the battery doesnt help, this is motherboard related failure. The motherboard has to be replaced or repaired on component level. Example 3. The battery discharges very quickly after it reaches some critical point. The battery detected by the laptop and charges properly to 1. When you unplug the AC adapter, it take normal time to discharge until some critical point lets say 8. Possible problems This is battery failed. It has to be replaced with a new one. Example 4. The battery charges only if the power plug positioned correctly. You have to wiggle the power plug in order to charge the battery. After you find the right position, it charges properly. Possible problems 1. AC adapter failure. The AC adapter power cable is damaged. Heres how to test your AC adapter. If the AC adapter works fine, most likely this is power jack connector where you plug power adapter failure. In this case the power jack has to be replaced.