Center Server 4. There is an identified issue for VMware and Windows 2. R2 Enterprise the issue was resolved for other Windows operating systems in versions 4. U2 and 4. 1. Resolution. To resolve the issue, check the following items Check the communication between the v. Center server and the host. If the names of any virtual machines, datastores, or clusters contain invalid characters, rename the entities so the following characters are not used For more information, see Troubleshooting issues with virtual machines or datastore names containing special characters 2. For ESX 5. 5 and later, you can use the n. Use. HTTPTicket additional setting to enable downloads and uploads of VMware VM configuration files to go directly to the ESX host instead of through the v. Center Server. If the request cannot go directly to the ESX host, the request automatically falls back to going through v. Center. If required, restart the management agent on the host. For more information, see Restarting the Management agents on an ESXi or ESX host 1. If you have the 4. Center, ensure that the latest updates are installed on the v. Center. For more information, see Using the VMware v. Center Server 4. x5. Failure to download. Center can be resolved by installing v. Center Server 4 update 2. VMware strongly recommends upgrading the v. Sphere ESX 4. 0 host servers to Update 2 at the same time the v. Center Server is upgraded. For more information, see VMware v. Center Server 4. 0 Update 2 Release Notes. Without Update 2, the v. Center Server does not know which ESX host has the VMX file locked. If you are unable to install that update, you can resolve this by creating identical credentials directly on the ESX host. For example, if your v. Center user is cvbackup you would need to create an ESX user named cvbackup. Unable to connect to Virtual Machine host Symptom. Error Code 9. 1 5. Unable to connect to Virtual Machine host. Cause. There is a change introduced by Microsoft for certificates. From the vsbkp. log located on the server where the Virtual Server Agent is installed 1. CVMWare. Info Connect Connecting to Urlhttps server. Userdomainuserid 1. CVIWrapper Connect Connection failed with Connect failed System. Net. Web. Exception. System. Net. Web. Exception The underlying connection was closed Could not establish trust relationship for the SSLTLS secure channel. System. Security. Authentication. Authentication. Exception The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Send. Auth. Reset. SignalProtocol. Token message, Async. Protocol. Request async. Request, Exception exception at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Process. Received. BlobByte buffer, Int. Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Receive. BlobByte buffer, Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Process. Received. BlobByte buffer, Int. Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Receive. BlobByte buffer, Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Process. Received. BlobByte buffer, Int. Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Receive. BlobByte buffer, Async. BlobByte buffer, Int. Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Receive. BlobByte buffer, Async. Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Start. Receive. BlobByte buffer, Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Force. AuthenticationBoolean receive. First, Byte buffer, Async. Protocol. Request async. Request at System. Net. Security. Ssl. State. Process. AuthenticationLazy. Async. Result lazy. Result at System. Threading. Execution. Context. RunExecution. Context execution. Context, Context. Callback callback, Object state at System. Net. Tls. Stream. Process. AuthenticationLazy. Async. Result result at System. Net. Tls. Stream. WriteByte buffer, Int. Int. 32 size at System. Net. Pooled. Stream. WriteByte buffer, Int. Int. 32 size at System. Net. Connect. Stream. Write. HeadersBoolean async End of inner exception stack trace at System. Web. Services. Protocols. Web. Client. Protocol. Get. Web. ResponseWeb. Request request at System. Web. Services. Protocols. Http. Web. Client. Protocol. Get. Web. ResponseWeb. Reque st request at System. Web. Services. Protocols. Soap. Http. Client. Protocol. InvokeString method. Name, Object parameters at Vim. Api. Vim. Service. Retrieve. Service. ContentManaged. Object. Reference this at VISDKWrapper. Svc. Connection. ConnectString url, String username, String password at VISDKWrapper. CVIWrapper. ConnectString str. Url, String str. User, String str. Pwd 1. 72. 4 a. CVMWare. Info Connect VISDKCpp. Bridge Connect failed 1. VMs. As. Simpana. Clients Failed to connect to server server. Resolution. Ensure that the proxy is able to communicate with the host and that the user account and password are correct. Please review the following links For VMware please review Virtual machine client names are created with 1 appended to the original client name. Symptom When viewing virtual machines in the Client Computers list, you may see duplicated client names for example, clientname and clientname1. Cause. If the instance GUID of the virtual machine changes, a duplicate virtual machine client is created with a numeric suffix for example, clientname1. Resolution. For deployments using Simpana Service Pack 1. Under some circumstances, an audit of a deduplicated storage pool might be necessary. Two utilities, the dedup. Audit. Tool. pl and dedup. Repair. Tool. pl scripts, are now available. These can be used to audit the deduplication tables to ensure referential integrity, proper chunk linkage, and to clean up previously marked, damaged files. The following messages are primary indicators of a potential problem within the deduplication catalog ANR4. EANR1. 16. 5EANR1. IANR1. 16. 2WThe most common cause of invalidated links within a deduplicated storage pool is the forcible removal of data chunks by using the DELETE VOLUME Volume. Name DISCARDDATAYES command. This command will remove data chunks from the database and media regardless of dependencies within the catalog, which will create invalidated links. As a result, you must follow the DELETE VOLUME DISCARDDATAYES command with an audit against the ANR4. E message to cleanup the invalidated links. Until the audit is run, you will see ANR4. E or ANR1. 16. 2W messages in the activity log that indicates that there are invalidated links. See the Recovering from lost or damaged FILE volumes in deduplicated storage pool technote for in depth cleanup instructions for this situation. Another potential cause of invalidated link and referential integrity errors is from DB2 table damage that can occur from a hardware failure. In this case, you can use the DB2. DART utility to restore structural integrity. Then use the dedup. Audit. Tool perl script attached to this document to identify referential integrity problems. The following list includes APARs that describe how links can be invalidated during data movement operations IC9. IC9. 69. 93. To prevent the problems which are documented in these APARs from occurring in your deduplication environment, ensure you are using server version 6. This applies to IBM Spectrum Protect servers with a DEVTypeFILE storage pool that has deduplicated data. The data can be deduplicated either by client side or server side identify processing deduplication. Beginning with Version 7. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is now IBM Spectrum Protect. Some applications such as the software fulfillment systems and IBM License Metric Tool use the new product name. However, the software and its product documentation continue to use the Tivoli Storage Manager product name. To learn more about the rebranding transition, see technote 1. Use the dedup. Audit. Tool Perl script that is attached to this document. Overview. Note The dedup. Repair. Tool. pl script currently does not support container storage pools. If you are running server version 7. Repair. Tool. pl script against any storage pools on such servers. There can be various reasons for encountering server messages that indicate damage within a deduplicated storage pool. The first step to resolving any deduplication catalog inconsistency is to run an analyzer against the storage pool to determine where the problem might be. Then you would complete the steps to resolve the error. The attached dedup. Audit. Tool. pl script does the analyzing. It is important to note that the dedup. Audit. Tool. pl is not intended to be an overall health check for deduplication enabled storage pools. You should only run the tool if you have experienced one of the symptoms described in this article. The dedup. Audit. Tool. pl is a perl script, which performs the analysis phase. The analysis phase is designed to accept environment and symptom information from the user. With this information, the tool interrogates the various IBM Spectrum Protect tables that are associated with the given symptom that was specified. At then end of the analysis phase, an audit report is generated. Send this report to IBM support for analysis. If the analysis determines that the problems identified in the report need correcting, they will provide you another tool, dedup. Repair. Tool. pl, to perform the recovery phase. The recovery phase is responsible for either removing the damage, restoring from a copy source, or potentially both, depending on the salvage ability for each given object. Script Details. General Script Information Perl must be installed on the system where the IBM Spectrum Protect server resides. Because the Perl scripts interrogate the DB2 database directly, they must be run from this system. To obtain code for the Perl installation, go to http www. The tools must be run with a user ID that has access to the DB2 instance. The instance user must have FULL readwrite access to the directory where the scripts are being executed and the directory where the client is installed for example, opttivolitsmclientbabin. The tools require access to both DB2 and IBM Spectrum Protect by using the dsmadmc and DB2 CLIs. On Windows systems, initialize the DB2 command line environment prior to executing the scripts by issuing db. Windows administrative command prompt. You must use Perl 5. A Perl interpreter can be download from www. Different versions of the dedup. Audit. Tool scripts are available depending on which interpreter is available dedup. Audit. Tool. pl 5. Audit. Toolperlv. The tools are interactive scripts. They do not accept command line parameters. The tools are multi phase scripts the dedup. Audit. Tool. pl script does not include the final phase Environment Setup, Audit Tool Setup, Audit Analysis and Report Generation, Cleanup of Deduplicated Storage Pool. It may be necessary to run the dedup. Audit. Tool. pl and dedup. Repair. Tool. pl multiple times in order to restore the referential integrity of the database. How Are The Scripts Executed perl dedup. Audit. Tool. plperl dedup. Repair. Tool. pl. Important Usage Notes An AUDIT VOLUME command should be run against all suspect volumes PRIOR to running the script dedup. Repair. Tool. pl in RECOVERY mode. This will ensure that all files currently marked as damaged are validated as truly damaged before they are forcibly deleted. If a DELETE VOLUME DISCARDDATAYES command has been issued against a volume that is located in a deduplicated storage pool, the dedup. Repair. Tool. pl script should be run immediately afterward with the ANR4. E symptom to resolve all of the invalidated links. Contact IBM support for access to dedup. Repair. Tool. pl. The script should be run only in a deduplicated environment for which the following requirements are all true the script will prompt for these as well A current FULL database backup is available. The IBM Spectrum Protect server is at 6. The dedup. Repair. Tool. pl script should only be run against primary storage pools. Do not run the script for repairs against deduplicated copy pools and active data pools. The dedup. Audit. Tool. pl script can be run against these pools, but the CHUNKSNOTCATALOGED category in the report it generates may include false positives for active data pools. All data movement and expiration activity for the deduplicated storage pool has been quiesced refer to the section Preparation for running script below for details. If the storage pool is not quiesced, the script may report false positive results, have or cause the server to have severe performance issues, or cause deadlocks in server operations. It is typically recommended to run the RECOVERY mode with BOTH so that all restorable objects are recovered from a copy source and all non restorable objects are removed. This will result in the fastest and most straightforward cleanup possible.