To many users, seeing the edmunds. Edmunds. Its not, of course. The actual web domain is the inv sll. WHOIS on that domain, we find this Last we checked, Edmunds is not owned and operated by a Manchester woman named Samantha. I went on the fake Edmunds escrow site to see what I could find out from the online tech support there, and decided to ask them if the site was affiliated with Edmunds. Since Im a suspicious bastard, that actually wasnt good enough for me, so I contacted Edmunds. Edmunds affiliated escrow site with the URL I was visiting. Here was my response Hi Jason, Thanks for bringing this to my attention. No, Edmunds has no affiliation with this site unfortunately, this is a fairly common scam that impacts many third party shopping sites. When these pop up, we work with our legal team to notify the appropriate authorities, but the best prevention is consumer education. We regularly update consumer advice articles warning consumers of the red flags, and our shopper support team also posts updates as well links below. Ill be sure to forward this over to our Legal team. Hope this helps, Nicole Shocking, rightOf course, the whole thing is a scam to take your money and keep you from getting the cars you wanted with that money, possibly one of the worst crimes a human can commit. Nicole of Edmunds had a good point about consumer education, which is exactly why Im writing this now these sites exist, and we should all be aware of them, and not let them get away with this shit. Adding another layer of deception, the fake site provides a section where you can see their licenses. This is part of the website that, with cruel, cold irony, seeks to warn the buyer that this sort of escrow service is necessary because the internet is an uncertain, dangerous place At Edmunds, we know uncertainty doesnt feel good. You can rely on us to ensure your vehicle or payment is protected with every transaction. When your transaction happens behind the Edmunds shield, you can be certain your funds will be safeguarded by our simple payment steps. Its our job to sweat the small stuff. Well make sure your sale is safeguarded from fraud while you focus on your business. Oh, you fuckers. They do give some plausible looking licenses and credentials. The California Department of Business Oversight license is absolutely a real thing. In fact, the license number, 9. The problem is that its not issued to this site. Thats actually the license number of Escrow. Edmunds site says it will do, just without all the lying and crime. That means you can google the license number and find its valid, and related to an escrow company, which this Edmunds site claims to be. For many people, this could seem like a plausible validation of the site. So, how do you know whats real If you want to use an escrow site when buying a car, making sure the one youre working with is real can be tricky, but I think the best bets are to be a bit skeptical, and keep an eye open for details. Specifically, heres some tips Check that URL. Look at the domain name. Really look at it. Remember that a URL can have a lot of other characters that look like URLs in the string of characters that makes up the address. Take the case of this site here, the actual URL was at the end, before the final. URL is just there to confuse and make it look like a real Edmunds site www. A real Edmunds site would have separated other parts of the URL with slashes, like this edmunds. Weird looking, long, or confusing URLs can be a tipoff that something is up. Hows it look Almost all major, genuine companies that are in this business have money to spend on making their websites look just right. If things look weird or sloppy, thats usually a sign somethings up. Heres an example from this site See the sort of clumsy overlap of the semi transparent navigation window and the text box on the lower left Also, note the awkward look of that center justified paragraph in the windowNone of that would pass muster at the real Edmunds site, and sites with design that looks bit short of professional should be suspect. Be a grammar national socialist. Are there misspellings, misused punctuation, foreign spellings, or other errors Real companies dont allow that shit. I mean, we sometimes do, but thats different. On a reputable car buying site, details like this. Be wary. Play it safe. Telugu Jayam Songs For Free Download. Look, this isnt buying locally brewed beer or eating bacon from the farm just outside of town. Stick with the big companies that do this sort of thing all the time. Of course, Edmunds is such a company, and this site exists, so dont be afraid to reach out. Call or email companies and ask about sites or URLs or anything youre uncomfortable with. I reached out to the owner of this fake Edmunds URL via phone and email, and have yet to receive a response. Once again, Im stunned. Be careful out there. Uber And Lyft Drivers Fight For Unionization Still Alive For Now UpdatedUber and Lyfts efforts to keep drivers from unionizing faced a setback when a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that would have ended a ride share driver union in Seattle. U. S. District Judge Robert Lasnik dismissed a suit that argued allowing driver unionization in Seattle breaks antitrust laws, as ride share companies classify its drivers as independent contract workers instead of employees. Seattle is the first and only city to allow Uber and Lyft driver unionization. Don Creery signed up for health care on the Affordable Care Act as soon as it went live. CreeryRead more Read. Lasnik, however, ordered a temporary halt on Seattle driver unionization after the lawsuit was filed and the block remains in place. Uber and Lyft drivers would rather classify drivers as independent contract workers to keep from paying expensive benefits and salaries. Driver earnings are already costly for Uber and Lyft, and both companies are looking into self driving technologies to nix the need for drivers altogether. Uber and Lyft drivers in Seattle, however, told Jalopnik they enjoy their right to collective bargaining. Many of these drivers work as many hours driving as they would at a full time job, without benefits or a salary. UPDATED August 2 4 5. EST Lyft spokesperson Adrian Durbin told Jalopnik the company is disappointed in the ruling. Seattles poorly drafted ridesharing ordinance could undermine the flexibility of drivers to choose when, where and for how long they drivethe very things that make Lyft so attractive to drivers and useful for passengers, Durbin said in an e mail. UPDATED August 2 2 0. EST Brooke Steger, Ubers general manager for the Pacific Northwest, gave the following statement to Jalopnik The Courts decision ignores the serious legal challenges raised in this case about an ordinance that will turn back the clock in Seattle. If this ruling is allowed to stand, those most adversely affected will unfortunately be thousands of drivers. This ordinance was never about benefiting drivers or the community but really about helping Teamsters and protecting taxi companies. Uber intends to appeal Lasniks decision in the U. S. Court of Appeals.